Asolo Prosecco and Montello wines meet dairy excellence at Caseus

The wines of the Asolo hills will be the protagonists of the event scheduled for Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October at Villa Contarini in Piazzola sul Brenta.

Admission to Caseus is free. For information on the event visit

Consorzio Asolo Prosecco e Vini del Montello meets the dairy excellences at Caseus , the exhibition dedicated to the best cheeses now in its twentieth edition, scheduled for Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October at Villa Contarini in Piazzola sul Brenta (Padua). A busy calendar of tastings, cooking shows and moments dedicated to the discovery of national and international cheeses and flavours will feature the wines born in the hills surrounding the village of Asolo, considered among the most beautiful in Italy. The international spirit of the event will also be maintained for the 2024 edition, which will present three different itineraries: Caseus Veneti , Caseus Italie and Caseus Mundi . Furthermore, the event will host the eleventh edition of the Festival delle DOP Venete , an opportunity to appreciate regional products even more: the Consortium will have a stand inside the area where it will be possible to taste both Asolo Prosecco and the wines of the Montello DOCG and Montello Asolo DOC denominations.

“We are happy to be once again, with our wines, partners of Caseus – explains the president of the Consorzio Asolo Prosecco e Vini del Montello Michele Noal –, an event that brings the best Italian and international dairy production to Villa Contarini. Together we promote the beautiful and good things that our wonderful territory, home of unique food and wine excellences to discover, has to offer”.

The Consortium’s program in Caseus will open with tastings From the territory to the table: 70 years of Lattebusche through the recipes of Marco Valletta – where, in combination with wines, it will be possible to taste dishes created with Mascarpone, Piave Vecchio Selezione Oro, Pennanera, Dolomiti del Parco, Caciottona bio di capra and Val Comelico cheeses – and Health starts from the plate , led by Martina Spinaci, curator of the blog La Cucina di Martina .

The wines from Asolo will also be offered together with other DOP cheeses from the Veneto region such as Grana Padano and Casatella Trevigiana, Montasio and Monte Veronese, Piave and Asiago, Provolone Valpadana and Mozzarella STG during the tastings scheduled for 6 October from 11.00 to 17.00 .

The cooking shows hosted by journalists Adua Villa and Marco Colognese will show how cuisine and gastronomy are expressive forms that represent Venetian culture, high craftsmanship and art in an original way, embracing a time span that goes from the 16th century to the present day. Seven creations with cheeses from the 7 Venetian DOPs and 1 STG will be dedicated to as many figures who have become famous over the centuries thanks to their artistic merits. On Saturday 5 October at 1.00 pm Alessandro Favrin from the Seda Restaurant in Vittorio Veneto (Treviso) will exalt the characteristics of Provolone Valpadana DOP in his dish. The baton will then pass, at 3.00 pm, to Monte Veronese DOP and Edoardo Caldon from the Ex Foro Restaurant in Padua. The day will close at 5.00 pm with Montasio DOP with Sander Wildenberg from the Jolà Restaurant in Jesolo (Venice). The next day, Sunday 6 October at 12:00, Eleonora Andriolo from the Acchiappagusto Restaurant in Arcugnano (Vicenza) will try her hand at creating a dish with Asiago DOP. Then it will be the turn of Ermanno Barbaresco from Locanda Solagna in Quero (Belluno) with Piave DOP at 14:00.

For pizza lovers, there will be Street Pizza: Veneto DOP cheeses meet traditional Italian street pizzas , a sensory journey that will allow participants to savor unique flavors and learn all the secrets of southern Italy’s leavened styles. There are two appointments with Asolo Prosecco to mark: the first, at 11:00 on Sunday 6 October, will offer the variant with Monte Veronese DOP; while in the afternoon, at 16:30, it will be the turn of the one with Grana Padano DOP.