Incroci di cultura, the AIS Veneto event dedicated to Incroci Manzoni, arrives in Treviso

The event, scheduled for Sunday 20 October at the Santa Caterina museum complex, will bring over 150 wines from 47 producers to the tasting.

Treviso hosts the first edition of Incroci di cultura – The wines of Professor Manzoni and other natives , the AIS Veneto event dedicated to the wines obtained from the Incroci Manzoni , famous vines created by Professor Luigi Manzoni in the 1930s, with a special focus on the Manzoni Bianco. The event will be held on Sunday 20 October at the Santa Caterina museum complex and will see the participation of 47 producers from all over Veneto and other regions with over 150 wines from 30 different varieties . To complete the program, three masterclasses to discover the history, the territorial expressions and the different typologies of Incrocio Manzoni.

The tasting stands , open from 10:00 to 18:30 , will offer an opportunity for direct comparison and dialogue with the producers. To enrich the experience, an area dedicated to selected artisanal gastronomic specialties will be set up in the small cloister.

The first masterclass, The Crossroads and History , at 11.00, it will be an opportunity to learn about the origins, the territory and the characteristics of Incroci Manzoni with a guided tasting of seven references by the teachers of ISISS GB Cerletti Sabino Gallicchio and Silvano Cattelan and the president of AIS Veneto Gianpaolo Breda . At 14.00 it will be the turn of Il Manzoni Bianco in the Doc Piave and Venezia , an in-depth analysis led by Sommelier and AIS delegate of Venice Lorena Ceolin on the expressions of the Venetian hinterland and the Treviso plain, which will explore the richness and diversity of this variety through the description of the viticultural ecosystem and the tasting of six wines. The day will close at 4:30 pm, Manzoni Bianco between territories and vintages , a meeting curated by Lorena Ceolin who will be able to analyze the historical path and the current relevance in the regional and national wine panorama of Manzoni Bianco through the tasting of seven labels.

“After the event dedicated to Raboso last year, we are proud to continue our research with an event dedicated to Incroci Manzoni and to find such a wide participation of producers – declares Gianpaolo Breda , president of AIS Veneto –. The research done by Professor Luigi Manzoni has left a mark on the Veneto wine scene. With Incroci di cultura we want to offer a unique space for discussion on the topicality and relevance of these wines, which continue to surprise for their modernity and versatility”.

Incroci di cultura is a project that has materialized after several years of planning – adds Wladimiro Gobbo , AIS delegate of Treviso –. Our goal from the very beginning was to promote and publicize the winemaking excellence of the area. The Treviso delegation worked with great passion and dedication to organize the event, involving the GB Cerletti Institute and professionals in the sector, in the awareness that wine represents much more than a simple product, but is a vehicle of culture, tradition and connection with the land”.

All masterclasses will take place in the Sala Coletti, will last an hour and a half and will require a 10 euro ticket, which can be purchased online or on site, subject to availability.

To participate in the event, an entrance ticket is required, costing 15 euros for non-members and 12 for AIS members, which can be purchased online at or directly at the event.