The Barbera d’Asti e Vini del Monferrato Consortium is preparing to conclude an extraordinary 2024, animated by a busy calendar of events that has brought the Monferrato wine excellences to Italy and the world.
An intense and milestone-rich year comes to a close for the Barbera d’Asti e Vini del Monferrato Consortium , which in 2024 brought the winemaking excellence of Monferrato to new levels of visibility and appreciation, both in Italy and abroad. With a calendar of events that combined promotion, culture and tasting, the Consortium consolidated the role of Barbera d’Asti and its denominations as a symbol of quality and authenticity. The flagship of its activities was the first edition of the Barbera D’Asti Wine Festival , held in Asti in September, which involved wine enthusiasts, industry professionals and personalities from the world of culture and art. Famous personalities from the world of literature, wine and music such as the writer Stefania Auci, journalists and critics such as: Jeff Porter, Aldo Fiordelli, Veronika Crecelius, Othmar Kiem and the singer-songwriter Giorgio Conte told their stories and their vision of the world of wine with a particular focus on Barbera and the territories of Monferrato.
“ This first edition of the Barbera D’Asti Wine Festival represented an unmissable opportunity to exalt and give the right importance to Barbera, the emblem of our territorial identity ,” declared Vitaliano Maccario, president of the Consortium . “ We will certainly propose this event again next year, which aims to make this grape variety increasingly famous and to become a point of reference for experts and wine lovers eager to taste the best Barberas. ”
2024 saw the Consortium as a protagonist not only at a national level, but in some of the most important markets in the world, through participation in top-level events, including the Barbera Fish Festival in Oslo, which, in March, celebrated the tenth anniversary of a historic union between Barbera and cod with walk-around tastings and two masterclasses. In the same period, Holland and Belgium hosted, with great success, Monferrato Identity , during which hundreds of operators and enthusiasts were able to discover the excellence of the territory. Not only Europe but also the United States and Canada saw Barbera and the wines of Monferrato as protagonists of a rich calendar of targeted tastings that attracted buyers, restaurateurs and wine lovers, consolidating their presence on the American markets.
“ The response from international markets has been exceptional, ” added Vitaliano Maccario, “ We have demonstrated that our wines are perfect ambassadors of Monferrato, thanks to their quality and their unique history. ” There were also many activities to discover the territory aimed at the Italian and foreign press, among which stand out: Falstaff, Jeff Porter and Stevie Kim. Illustrious names and magazines who were able to experience and discover the Monferrato territory and its wines. Great attention was also paid to the fairs in Italy, Salone del Vino in Turin, Vinitaly in Verona and Vinoforum in Rome, which saw a strong turnout at the Consortium stand, confirming the ever-growing interest of operators and the public in Monferrato wines. Not only big events but also the promotion of Barbera and the territory took place throughout the year through glamorous moments dedicated to wine lovers such as the Milan Wine Week and Golosaria . “ 2024 represented a fundamental stage for Barbera d’Asti and the wines of Monferrato, consolidating the role of the Consortium .” concluded Vitaliano Maccario “ The results achieved have opened up new opportunities on international markets and strengthened dialogue with the public, laying the foundations for an even more promising future .”