erre d’Oltrepò, revolution in 11 months: from maxi winery to industrial group

erre d’Oltrepò is preparing for the 2024 harvest with a call to action from members and the territory. In 11 months the company has undertaken a fundamental transformation to go from a social winery to an industrial wine hub. This was possible thanks to the group’s first five-year industrial plan, focused on numbers rather than feelings. Today, Cantina di Broni, Cantina di Casteggio and La Versa are moving towards becoming a restructured holding, with the aim of fully valorising the territory through method, transparency and skills. Credit goes to the new board of directors led by CEO Umberto Callegari, who brought the “know-how” of the large multinationals in which he gained his professional experience to the hills of the Oltrepò. The company has gone from an almost “default” situation, with numerous unresolved problems and reputation and brand issues never addressed, to a future-oriented company that has rewritten its own destiny. Furthermore, thanks to the key role in the renewal of the Oltrepò Pavese Wine Protection Consortium, now led by the president and winemaker Francesca Seralvo, a new path has been traced based on competence, credibility, supply chain and virtuous leadership.”Until less than a year ago, Terre of Oltrepò was oppressed by unresolved issues: the ban on unloading due to negligence dating back to 2015. No certification to compete in Italy and in the world, a banking credibility in doubt also due to the constant access to credit to pay members in the recent past against the lack of planning and suitable positioning on the various channels. Industrial accounting was also missing. In 11 months Callegari and the Board of Directors drew up a new roadmap: two important certifications were obtained with maximum scores, the group returned as a protagonist. at important organized distribution brands and commercially there has been a rebirth with the Horeca turnover tripling (relating to hotel, restaurant, catering and wine bar sales). On the export front, important supply chain contracts have been launched towards Japan, the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal without selling below cost or implementing “empty cellar” strategies. Terre d’Oltrepò, in a year in which the cost of many raw materials tripled, has reclaimed the value chain. Callegari has also restructured costs, laying the foundations for industrial efficiency. Trust has been re-created around the company. New managerial skills have also arrived with an advisory board (audit system) of international standing with the recent entry of Giovanni Andrea Toselli, Gianfranco Casati and Paolo Colombo. Despite a contracting market at a national and foreign level in 2023, especially on the red wines and Bonarda front, Callegari who has not yet faced a single harvest at the helm of the company (the first will be that of 2024) through meticulous work has also managed to ensure an initial substantial increase in the valuations of grapes, in particular Riesling, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The first contracts were also signed for the “sur lat” sale of sparkling wine bases and 700 thousand bottles of La Versa Classic Method were released, thus also increasing the warehouse value. On the winery’s debt front, a review was achieved which gave the group a stable and renegotiated situation with partners with more substantial terms. Furthermore, the first blockchain certification and the first sustainability report were produced. On the sustainability front, investments have been made in purification and filtration which will allow 95% of the water to be reused at the Broni and Casteggio sites. At a commercial level, a contract was signed with the international Pizza Express chain and the brand positioned itself in the MotoGP universe solely on the lever of relationships and through the value of the wine.

CEO Umberto Callegari starts from a premise: “The company situation we inherited was seriously compromised both at an industrial and financial level, further aggravated by an insufficient contribution. However, we have managed to regain credibility and improve key parameters of business and industrial management. We strengthened liquidity and improved the debt situation, obtaining new financing at more favorable interest rates and with a longer time horizon.” Callegari explains: “Despite the global crisis of red wines, which represent over 40% of production in the Oltrepò, we have maintained good ratings for the grapes without resorting to bank credit. We have started an important internationalization process, signing significant contracts in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Germany and the Nordic countries, where we were not present before. Furthermore, we have improved performance in the HoReCa and GDO channels. We are aware – continues the CEO of Terre d’Oltrepò – that the first 18 months will be crucial for this relaunch process. Our industrial plan will cover a

period of 5 years and will require constant commitment from everyone.

We are at the beginning of a journey that will require dedication and teamwork to bring prosperity back to an area with great potential, which has so far been too penalized by disastrous past management”. Callegari concludes: “Opinions don’t matter, data and the market matter. Our goal is to help Oltrepò evolve to become the virtuous system it always should have been. With commitment and dedication, we are ready to take on this challenge and guarantee a prosperous future for our company and the territory.”

A path that territorial politics also follows with participation. Giovanni Palli, president of the provincial administration of Pavia, observes: “The relaunch of the Oltrepò Pavese in its entirety has been a priority political mission for us since I took office. The key points are infrastructure, tourism, wine, agri-food, spa and everything that gives identity to our hills, including the hospitality and catering sectors which are ambassadors of the territory. We must not be the Tuscany that costs less than Tuscany. We must be able to modernize ourselves, make ourselves attractive, animate the territory and generate sustainable development to compete on equal terms. These are not paths that can be completed with a magic wand, vision, strategy and time are needed, especially after the opportunities that were not fully exploited in the past when everything was simpler. In my role as mayor of Varzi, President of the Mountain Community and President of the Provincial Administration, I have measured how fundamental it is, in respect of the specific roles and respective autonomies, that institutions and the business system contribute to this objective on parallel tracks. We need to create a community on the one hand and a business network on the other, converging to measure concrete results in discontinuity with the past. The territory needs leadership and method. The industrial plan of Terre d’Oltrepò expresses contents that go precisely in this direction and it is up to the sector to implement them in the interest of many small municipalities that link their history to wine. There is a future to be written.”

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From 3 to 15 July the traditional appointment with the summer festival dedicated to Serprino promoted by the Consortium for the Protection of Wines of the Euganean Hills returns.

Serprino Festival is the summer event that the Consortium for the Protection of Wines of the Euganean Hills dedicates to the celebration of the fresh and pleasant native white wine, among the most appreciated during the summer. On the program, from 3 to 15 July , there are more than 20 events, hosted among the cellars of the Euganean Hills, various museums and prestigious locations such as the Catajo Castle in Due Carrare and the Valsanzibio Gardens in Galzignano.

While waiting to know the result of the candidacy process of the Euganean Hills Regional Park as a UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve, for the first time the program of the event will involve, in addition to Padua which already has a UNESCO recognition, also Cittadella , Este and Montagnana , who aspire to obtain it.

The Festival will debut in the heart of Padua with a special “Serprino Night” on Wednesday 3 July, involving the historic shops of the Market under the Palazzo della Ragione, popularly called “Il Salone”, one of the largest and oldest in Europe. For the occasion, the shops will be twinned with the member cellars of the Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Euganei, for a tasting dedicated to the flavors of the territory.

The first appointment among the walled cities will be in Este on Friday 5 July (8.45 pm) at the Atestino National Museum with the Museo DiVino evening: a guided tour themed “Wine between ancient Venetians and Romans”, in which the director Benedetta Prosdocimi will guide visitors through the history of wine in the Euganean Hills starting from the archaeological findings concerning the ancient Venetians and the Romans.

We will return to Padua on Tuesday 9 July (8.30 pm) at Villa Molin to celebrate Ernest Hemingway , in the month of his 125th birthday . The life, adventures and passions of the Nobel Prize winner for literature will intertwine to remember him in the reading by the actor Bruno Lovadina, accompanied by the Peruvian guitarist David Beltran Soto Chero, who will embellish the story with his Mediterranean and South American sounds. The garden of Villa Molin will be the backdrop for the evening, where the public will be able to watch the show during a candlelit picnic , tasting the Serprino wine from the Euganean Hills paired with traditional Paduan cicchetti. Local spirits and cigars will compete in homage to the author.

Also at Villa Molin, on 10 July (8.30 pm) “Libiam!” will be held: a special guided tour of the gardens and the Villa in whose rooms guests will be able to watch the performance of famous opera arias by the soprano Veronica Rampado .

On 10 July (from 6pm) the Muce (Museum of the Euganean Hills) will host a discussion on the reflections emerging from the studies of the University’s Geography department on the landscape of the Hills and on the function and developments of local cultural tourism. A Serprino tasting will follow.

Thursday 11 July (6.30 pm) the appointment will be at Villa Bassi Ratgheb in Abano Terme, where the public will be guided to discover and decipher the symbols of Greek, Roman and Renaissance culture present in the permanent collection of the Villa. Subsequently, a tasting of Serprino combined with typical local products will be offered.

On 12 July (from 4.30 pm) Veneto Segreto will organize a series of guided visits to the Monumental Garden of Valsanzibio in Galzignano Terme, with an extraordinary opening of some of its hidden corners: guests will walk among the lakes, the fountains, the labyrinth and the statues of precious workmanship; at the end of the visit there will be a tasting combined with typical Paduan agricultural products.

Also on July 12, the “Trattoria e Vineria Da Rocco” in Cittadella will host a dinner with tasting, while in Montagnana there will be the literary aperitif “Brividi e Serprino” at the Hostaria Zanarotti.

During the weekends of 6 and 7 July and 13 and 14 July, thirty wineries will be open in the Euganean Hills , with a very rich offer of activities and entertainment: from live music to dinners in the vineyard, up to moonlit walks .

Sunday 14 July will be dedicated to the discovery of the Castello del Catajo in Due Carrare, where the famous fish-based aperitif with live music will return. To complete the events, the Gala Dinner at Villa Cavalli Malandrin in Bresseo di Teolo on 15 July at 8.00 pm.


Trentino – From 28 to 30 June the Müller Thurgau festival returns to Val di Cembra

60 Müller Thurgau labels from Italy and abroad for tasting at Palazzo Maffei in Cembra, over 20 of the most representative productions of the area – including whites, reds and sparkling wines – offered in the nearby “Fuori di Taste” space.

The engines are warming up for the 37th edition of the Müller Thurgau: Mountain Wine event, scheduled from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th June .

The event officially kicks off on Friday evening , with the traditional inauguration at Parco Tre Maestri which will mark the opening of the doors of Palazzo Maffei . In the rooms of the eighteenth-century building in the historic center of Cembra, you will be able to taste 60 Müller Thurgau labels from different areas of Trentino, but also from Alto Adige, Val d’Aosta, Lombardy, Germany and the Czech Republic.

In the nearby “Fuori di Taste” space, the most representative productions of the area will be the protagonists with a selection of labels from the cellars of the Cembra Valley. To enrich the first evening of the event, the eighties and nineties music of DJ Max T , strictly on vinyl.

Saturday morning opens with a dive into culture, nature and vineyards, with the “Heroes” trek in the Segonzano area . A circular tour of six kilometers and 300 meters of altitude difference starting from the Pyramids of Segonzano . During the route you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of this extraordinary natural phenomenon and then reach the town of Segonzano, visit the Church of the SS. Trinità di Stedro and get off at Saletto for a first food and wine stop. From there you will reach Piazzo for a visit to the Segonzano Castle and a new break at the suggestive Barone cellar in Prato. Last stretch, finally, to reach the final typical lunch at the Kiosco le Piramidi.

An original walk also in the afternoon, from 4.00pm to 7.30pm , with ” From the vineyard to the cellar…at an alpaca pace ” curated by Silpaca. A trek through the Cembra vineyards in the company of Ilaria Baldo’s soft animals, with final tasting at the Cembra mountain winery.

At 6.00 pm it will be the time to find out which winners are among the 61 participants in the 21st Müller Thurgau International Wine Competition , with a tasting led by the talented Andrea Amadei , professional sommelier, speaker of Decanter, face of Rai’s “È semper midday” 1 and content editor of the magazine “The Art of Wine”.

This will be followed, starting from 8.00 pm , by the ” Cenando con le stelle ” proposal, a three-course food and wine journey , created by Enogastronomia Zanotelli, interspersed with dance performances by young champions of the Ritmomisto school. Dinner, by reservation and with table service, can be paired with a selection of wines recommended by Amadei.

Starting from 10.00 pm , thanks to the precious collaboration with the Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino, ” Grappa becomes a cocktail ” also returns, with four proposals created by the well-known barman Leonardo Veronesi , to discover a new side of the Trentino distillate. To accompany the tasting, the soul, funk and rock sound of DJ Cocca and his vinyls.

Sunday morning, from 10.00 , will be dedicated to exploring the area by e-bike with ” Cantine in saddle “, where you will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of Villa Corniole di Verla di Giovo, Mos di Ceola and finally Cembra winery mountain. At each stop a short visit to the production site accompanied by a small tasting.

For all three days the kitchen of the Rural Women will also be operational, with their local proposals: from spätzle with buckwheat flour to tagliolini with mushrooms, from mushroom risotto and Puzzone della Val di Fassa to Tonco de Pontesel with “Zingara” polenta, just to name a few.

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July 1, 2024 represents a prestigious anniversary for the Nice Producers Association. On this memorable day, in fact, the tenth anniversary of the birth of the Nizza DOCG denomination will be celebrated during the annual event ” Born on the First of July “. This appointment, which has now become the symbol of the Association, recalls the day in 2016 when, in 2016, the 2014 Nizza DOCG harvest was introduced onto the market, officially marking the recognition of the denomination. Since then, the group which today has 90 members has met every year to celebrate this moment with a gala dinner, consolidating the ” Born on July First ” event as one of the most significant and eagerly awaited initiatives dedicated to the producers of the denomination. Stefano Chiarlo , President of the Association, comments: ” Every year, ‘Born on July 1st’ is a moment of celebration and reflection on the evolution of our DOCG, which continues to grow in dynamism and vitality, confirming its strong impact on the panorama national wine industry. It also represents a special opportunity for us to strengthen the union between the producers who now reach the number of 90, transmitting the teamwork philosophy that has always distinguished our Association bottles produced and sold, evidenced by a 27% increase between 2022 and November 2023 and culminating in 1,050,000 bottles in 2023 alone, the annual meeting becomes an occasion for celebration and reflection for the future. Furthermore, for the first time, the event will see the participation of around forty restaurateurs and wine merchants who will act as Ambassadors of the Nizza DOCG. ” This is an important step to continue to affirm and spread awareness of our denomination to the final consumer ” adds Chiarlo. These new ambassadors are a crucial piece in extending the reach and impact of Nizza DOCG, bringing our vision and our wines to a broader and more diverse audience. This year the gala dinner will be held at the Trattoria Losanna Di Masio in Borgo Roccanivo di Casalotto di Mombaruzzo (AT). The evening will be further enriched by the music of Michele Lazzarini, whose sax and vocal interpretations, with the piece “Midnight With You”, promise to transform the celebration into an unforgettable experience.

Nizza DOCG Produced with 100% Barbera grapes, Nizza DOCG is a wine born in the heart of Monferrato, between the Belbo stream and the Rio Nizza, in an area that includes 18 municipalities that represent excellence in the field of the vast production area of Barbera d’Asti. Since 2002, the NICE Producers Association has been committed to protecting and promoting this food and wine wealth.

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