Vermouth di Torino Week, a trendy early summer event From 23 to 30 June 2024

Consorzio Vermouth di Torino relating to the 2024 edition of the Vermouth di Torino Week, scheduled from 23 to 30 June throughout the national territory.

The Vermouth di Torino Week is now a classic early summer event. The Turin Vermouth Consortium launches the new edition of an exciting week entirely dedicated to raising awareness of the quality, uniqueness and versatility of this Piedmontese excellence loved throughout the world . From 23 to 30 June , the Vermouth of Turin will be in the spotlight to show the charm of its long tradition and its appeal today as an increasingly strong symbol of an exclusive and original aperitif. Mixology experts, barmen, restaurateurs, chefs all of Italy participate in this event, promoting in a special way the different types of Vermouth of Turin, the only flavored wine recognized for its typicality and tradition as a PGI. Those who wish will be able to create new cocktail recipes. It will be possible to post both creative recipes with an indication of the types of Turin Vermouth used and the other ingredients, as well as photos of cocktails, evenings, presentations and events dedicated throughout the week to this intriguing and aromatic wine. The testimonials sent by those who join the initiative, together with the names of the venues participating in the Vermouth di Torino Week 2024 Edition, will be widely disseminated on the event website and on the social pages of the Consorzio del Vermouth di Torino.

Turin, 5 June 2024 – The Vermouth di Torino Week is now a classic early summer event. The Turin Vermouth Consortium launches the new edition of an exciting week entirely dedicated to raising awareness of the quality, uniqueness and versatility of this Piedmontese excellence loved throughout the world . From 23 to 30 June , the Vermouth of Turin will be in the spotlight to show the charm of its long tradition and its appeal today as an increasingly strong symbol of an exclusive and original aperitif.
Mixology experts, barmen, restaurateurs, chefs from all over Italy participate in this event, promoting in a special way the different types of Vermouth of Turin, the only flavored wine recognized for its typicality and tradition as a PGI. Those who wish will be able to create new cocktail recipes. It will be possible to post both creative recipes with an indication of the types of Turin Vermouth used and the other ingredients, as well as photos of cocktails, evenings, presentations and events dedicated throughout the week to this intriguing and aromatic wine. The testimonials sent by those who join the initiative, together with the names of the venues participating in the Vermouth di Torino Week 2024 Edition, will be widely disseminated on the event website and on the social pages of the Consorzio del Vermouth di Torino.
For this year’s edition, we highlight the collaboration with Vinarius, the important Association of Italian Wine Shops created to enhance the role of the wine shop and the wine shop as a place where the specialized trade in quality wine is carried out.

The aim of the “Week” is to promote the culture around the Vermouth of Turin and the Ora del Vermouth® (now a registered trademark of the Vermouth of Turin Consortium). It is an invitation to discover all its types, the best combinations with food and the different uses pure and mixed.
The Vermouth di Torino Week will also be particularly important because on this occasion, the convocation of the States General of the Vermouth of Turin will be held on 28 June at the Banca del Vino di Pollenzo . All the members of the Consortium will meet to talk about the current reality, production, marketing, protection and promotion aspects, as well as the numerous future projects.
On the afternoon of June 28th, at 2.30 pm, again in Pollenzo, there will be another eagerly awaited event reserved for the press : the guided tasting of the Vermouth of Turin and the appointment of the new Ambassadors of the Vermouth of Turin, recognized as such for their knowledge, their professionalism, the qualified promotion and dissemination activities of this product.

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On Saturday 15 June at 7.30 pm, in the historic Piazza Ferrucci of Radda in Chianti (Siena), “La Cena” dei Vignaioli di Radda 2024 will take place. The occasion will be the preview presentation of the 2020 vintage of “53017” – the wine of Radda winemakers. The dinner will be accompanied by the most prestigious wines of the 25 members.

Francesco Berardinelli , chef of the ‘Barlèsh’ restaurant in Montevarchi (Arezzo), will sign the menu for this year’s dinner. Barlèsh does ‘Cucina Improvvisa’, shy and spontaneous cuisine, far from fashion, attentive to the traditions of the territory and the people who live it every day.

Francesco Berardinelli does not have a Tuscan accent: his mother is Venetian, his father Molisano. He was born in Piedmont, on Lake Maggiore and arrived in Tuscany with his parents in the seventies. After hotel school he left for New York and went to work at the ‘San Domenico’. Upon returning to Italy, he opened his first restaurant, ‘L’Osteria di Rendola’. The articles arrived, journalists noticed him and his work and in 2000 he opened the second restaurant, ‘Beccofino’ in Florence and with him he landed the cover of ‘Wine Spectator’. From that moment everything changes: chefs arrive from all over the world to taste and discover what Francesco Berardinelli cooks. Heston Blumenthal from London, Ferran Adrià from Spain and Alain Ducasse from Paris. He receives invitations, participates in the most important festivals and cooks everywhere. “I did everything as a chef, I achieved what I wanted and I am now in the right place, what was already in my head, I returned to Barlèsh” says Berardinelli.

The wine of the winemakers of Radda “53017”

One Territory, 25 winemakers, one soul.

25 cellars, 25 lands, 25 shades of Sangiovese from the municipality of Radda in Chianti have given life to a wine of excellence, balanced and representative of the territory.

An iconic bottle, created to express the collaboration between the producers of the Radda Winemakers Association and at the same time promote their bond with the Territory.

To carry out this special project, each “Winemaker” selected and shared 27 liters of their best Sangiovese, considered the main grape variety of Chianti Classico, and combined it with that of the other winemakers to produce the “53017”, the Sangiovese of the Winemakers of Radda. The name of the wine is dedicated to the postal code of Radda in Chianti. A unique project, a blend that then rests in the depths of the cellars of Castello di Albola before seeing the light in the special Magnum bottle format. Each bottle is numbered by hand to enhance its exclusivity and uniqueness.


The “Vignaioli di Radda” association has as its main aim the diffusion of the wine culture of Radda in Chianti, developing projects, in-depth meetings and events that support and spread excellent viticulture, with particular attention to organic cultivation and production and biodynamic.

The member companies are (2024):

Arillo in Terrabianca, Borgo la Stella, Borgo Salcetino, Brancaia, Caparsa, Albola Castle, Monterinaldi Castle, Radda Castle, Volpaia Castle, Castelvecchi, Colle Bereto, Cortedomina, Fattoria di Montemaggio, Istine, L’Erta di Radda, Montevertine, Podere Capaccia, Podere Terreno, Poggerino, Pruneto, Tenuta di Carleone, Tenute Selvolini, Val delle Corti, Via L’Inverno, Vignavecchia.




Four stories of creatures we rarely look at. Four original and innovative ways of telling them.
Through characters such as Sergio’s nameless wife, Italo Calvino’s Dwarf, the defeated couple of Emma Dante’s “Il Tango delle Capinere” and the generations of Tindaro Granata’s “Antropolaroid”, the 2024 edition of Sciaranuova Festival takes a look intimate and profound on the facets of the human soul. These figures, as disconcerting as they are fascinating, meet every day at the supermarket, on the train or on the street, but only at the theater do we have the chance to really get to know them.
“At a time when narratives are all similar, theater shines with energy and originality” – declares the artistic director Ottavia Casagrande, now in her fourth collaboration with Planeta . “Italian theater is a laboratory in full swing with formal experiments, innovative languages and new perspectives. What makes this art extraordinary is its ability to create entire worlds with simple means: lighting, costumes and unforgettable characters that no one else tells.”
We have reached the eighth edition and Sciaranuova Festival continues to embody the very essence of human expression. With deep gratitude for the support and enthusiasm that our public shows us, my family and the company want to support and carry forward the mission of my brother Vito – says Alessio Planeta, CEO of Planeta agricultural companies “ Theater is more than an art form; it is a refuge for the soul, a place where stories come to life and emotions take on color. With this project we want to continue to offer a variety of theatrical experiences, from classic productions to bolder new creations, to continue to inspire, entertain and challenge the minds and hearts of spectators.”
At a time when the future of theater may seem uncertain – over 500 theaters have closed in recent years -, Sciaranuova Festival continues to celebrate and support Italian theatrical art. The program is part of Culture for the Territory , the rich schedule of cultural programs and activities promoted by Planeta and which ranges from music to theatre, contemporary art and literature, bringing nationally and internationally renowned artists from multiple disciplines to Sicily every year. artistic.
Friday 19 JULY
The Blackcap Tango
written and directed by Emma Dante
with Sabino Civilleri and Manuela Lo Sicco
Lights Cristian Zucaro
Assistant director Daniela Mangiacavallo
Organization Daniela Gusmano
Coordination and distribution Aldo Miguel Grompone
Single Act Production
Co-production Teatro Biondo Palermo – Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT/Teatro Nazionale – Teatro di Roma/Teatro Nazionale – Carnezzeria – Théâtre des 13 vents/centre dramatique national Monpellier – MA scène national/Pays de Montbéliard
In collaboration with South West Coast
Saturday 20 JULY
Regional debut
Nominated for the 2021 UBU awards
by and with Francesca Sarteanesi
Tommaso Cheli dramaturgy collaboration
Costumes Rebecca Ihle
Kronoteatro Production and Gli Scarti
With the support of Armunia artistic residencies – Inbalance Festival
Friday 26 JULY
Like a kind of vertigo
The Dwarf, Calvino, freedom
Nominated for the 2023 UBU awards
by and with Mario Perrotta
Collaboration with the director Paola Roscioli
Mashup and original music Marco Mantovani / Mario Perrotta
A Permár production
With the support of the Emilia Romagna Region , Municipality of Medicina
In collaboration with Teatro Asioli di Correggio , Duel
Saturday 27 JULY
by and with Tindaro Granata
Musical elaborations Daniele D’Angelo
Proxima Res Production
ENTRY from 8.00 pm – SHOW 9.00 pm – Cantina Planeta Sciaranuova, Passopisciaro (CT)
A natural theater in the heart of the vineyards, in the places where the wines of the Volcano are born, to combine the world of wine and that of entertainment: for the first time in Sicily, the vineyard is transformed into a theatre, creating a proscenium among those that once they were terraces for growing vines and using the mountains, lava and centuries-old pines as backdrops. The theater was born between the Sciaranuova vineyards and the old millstone, philologically restored and used as a tasting room and since 2015 it has hosted the “Sciaranuova Festival”. The idea of recovering this natural amphitheater and investing independently in theater programming allows for a dialogue with another art form and to also create a specific cultural valorization and production project for the development of the territory on Etna.


The 19th edition of the Southern Italian wine and oil exhibition will be held on Monday 10 June

Radici del Sud is an event organized by Propapilla – tourism wine&food, organized this year in collaboration with Assoenologi (National trade organization of technicians in the wine sector), AEPI (Association of Italian Professional Wine Shops), Vinarius (Association of Italian Wine Shops) and AIS Puglia (Italian Sommelier Puglia Association), with the patronage of the Municipality of Sannicandro di Bari and the Puglia Region.

The annual appointment with Radici del Sud will be repeated in June, an event that puts the international spotlight on the wine production of southern Italy, which will end on Monday 10 June in the Castello di Sannicandro di Bari with the XIX edition of the Salone dei vini e oli del Southern Italy and the possibility for sector operators and enthusiasts to access the tasting stands, meet the producers present, from 3.00 pm to 9.00 pm and participate in the great final party from 8.00 pm to 12.00 pm with in tasting of the 90 winning wines of the 2024 edition of the competition and the buffet dinner on the theme “Sustainability on everyone’s lips” .

The protagonists of Radici del Sud will be the wines from native vines of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily , but also the southern oils , and then again the daily work of wineries, oil mills, agri-food producers, cheesemakers, pastry chefs and chefs, with an incredible basket of products that represent the richness and uniqueness of Southern Italy. In fact, the evening tasting tables with the winning wines of the nineteenth edition of the Radici del Sud competition will be accompanied by a buffet dinner with the proposal of sustainable menus, designed according to the principles of healthy eating and with typical local products, curated by chefs and Apulian agri-food producers. Taking care of the dinner will be: Antonio Scalera (La Bul Restaurant – Bari), Giammichele Pagone (Plebiscito 7 – Casamassima), Francesco Racanelli (Panificio Panzone – Sannicandro di Bari), Angelo Di Cecca (Caseificio Dicecca – Altamura) and Francesco Fieschi (Pasticceria Fieschi – Altamura).

The day of June 10th will open in Sannicandro di Bari starting from 11:00 am with a moment of in-depth analysis in the opening conference on the topics: “New cultivation techniques to protect vineyards from climatic unpredictability”, “Personalizing events trade fairs to generate more advantages and usefulness for the producer, the territory and the production” and “New tourist routes, new markets, new consumption: who are the main consumers of Southern wine?”. This will be followed by the award ceremony of all the winning wines of the nineteenth edition of the Radici del Sud competition.

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