The event was a great success despite the unfavorable weather conditioGreat participation in the Ruchè Festival 2024 , organized by the Association of Producers of Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato DOCG, which was held on the weekend of 17-19 May at the Tenuta La Mercantile in Castagnole Monferrato (AT) . With more than 1,000 tastings , 3,000 attendees , and 2,000 bottles sold , the event was not only an opportunity to taste the different facets of a wine that is conquering the whole world, but also a pleasant context in which to immerse yourself in art, in music and entertainment, thanks to the collaboration with Monferrato On Stage and Artàporter and all the artists who participated.
Franco Cavallero , President of the Ruchè Producers Association, expresses his enthusiasm:
<< The Ruchè Festival was born with the aim of making Ruchè known to a new audience but also, and above all, of presenting the faces of the producers who, every day, work and seriously invest in an extraordinary and contemporary wine. The Festival ends with a more than positive outcome: we achieved record numbers, achieving 30% more than last year and this suggests an ever-increasing interest in this vine, which makes us proud to say the least >>.
The event recorded a large turnout of the public, confirming the growing interest that the native Piedmont vine has been acquiring in recent years. The combination of wine and art was the fulcrum of the party: the tastings were accompanied not only by the artistic dimension of the estate, but also by works by artists selected by Artàporter, as well as by the performance of nationally renowned musicians, such as Johnson Righeira , Le 3 CHIC and Instabil Band . The event was organized by the Association of Producers of Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato DOCG in collaboration with the Barbera d’Asti and Vini del Monferrato Consortium, Go Wine, Artàporter and Monferrato On Stage.


In Sutrio the Cjarsòns Festival, the most typical dish of Carnia

Sunday 2 June.

Cjarsòns have distant and exotic roots, a sort of delicious ravioli, a symbolic dish of Carnia, intact Friulian mountains whose valleys have been crossed since time immemorial by trade, passage of people, cultures and ideas between the Adriatic Sea and beyond the Alps, towards present-day Carinthia and Bavaria. Their origin is linked to the cramârs , the street vendors of spices who, since the 18th century, crossed the Alps on foot to sell their precious and exotic merchandise purchased in Venice and placed in the crassigne , a sort of small wooden chest of drawers, in Germanic countries. which they carried like a backpack on their shoulders. When they returned home, it was a big celebration and the women prepared Cjarsòns , potato dough agnolotti with a ricotta-based filling mixed with a very rich variety of ingredients: spices, dried fruit, sultanas, oriental aromas, aromatic herbs… in short, what remained at the bottom of the drawers of the crassigne . Even today in Carnia there are many recipes for Cjarsòns , the filling of which varies not only from town to town but also from family to family: there are over 50 variations . Every housewife and every restaurant has their own, making the best use of the pantry and combining very fresh ingredients such as apples, potatoes, spinach, raisins, mint and spring herbs with spices. Final touch, the seasoning: a simple sprinkling of scuete fumade (smoked ricotta) and ont (melted butter).

Sutrio dedicates its now traditional early summer festival to this delicacy, “I Cjarsòns, the tradition of Carnia” , which this year will be held on Sunday 2 June . Walking among the 10 tasting islands set up in the most characteristic corners of the country, you will be able to taste the unusual flavors of this dish and get to know the different souls that characterize a food of certainly poor origin, but as complex and rich in ingredients as a plate of haute cuisine. 10 villages , representing all the valleys of Carnia, will each offer their own traditional recipe. It will thus be possible to taste savory or sweet cjarsòns , flavored with spring herbs or small flakes of chocolate, with lemon balm and onion or with dried pears and carobs, accompanied by the finest wines from large Friulian companies , selected for the occasion. In addition to the food stands, there are also activities for children, live music and a market with local products . The festival, which is part of the entertainment activities of the territory foreseen by the PNRR Borghi Announcement “Il Bosco nel Borgo-Il Borgo nel Bosco”, will be postponed to June 9th in case of bad weather.

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The Ten Morellino del Cuore 2024 elected by six famous Italian sommeliers have been revealed.

The 10 Morellino di Scansano of the second edition of Morellino del Cuore have been revealed.

After the success of the first, the second edition of Morellino del Cuore is underway, a project born from the collaboration between the Morellino di Scansano Docg Protection Consortium and the journalists and wine experts Roberta Perna and Antonio Stelli to make an increasingly wider public aware of a among the most historic denominations of Tuscany.

Last year, six well-known names in the world of wine elected the 10 Morellino del Cuore, while for this new edition it was a jury made up of six famous sommeliers from Italian restaurants who blindly tasted the samples and elected the labels that suited them notice this year they best reflect the territory and the soul of Morellino di Scansano, in which the Sangiovese grape reigns supreme.

At the Consortium headquarters in Scansano the sommeliers Davide Macaluso, director of food and beverage of the Principe di Piemonte in Viareggio , Walter Meccia, head sommelier of the Four Seasons in Florence , Andrea Menichetti, owner and manager of the Da Caino cellar in Montemerano , Jessica Rocchi , maitre and chef sommelier of Andrea Aprea in Milan , Pascal Tinari owner and maitre and sommelier of Villa Maiella in the Maiella Park and Matteo Zappile restaurant manager of Il Pagliaccio in Rome, after blind tasting 59 samples, announced the 10 Morellino del Cuore 2024 divided into three Morellino “Intermediate” which falls between the Vintage and the Reserve, coming onto the market after the Vintage but not following the same refinement process as the Reserve, four references; Reserve, three references.

They get on the podium in this new edition

For the Vintage:

  • Cantina Vignaioli Morellino di Scansano Roggiano Docg 2023
  • San Felo Morellino di Scansano Docg 2023
  • Terenzi Morellino di Scansano Docg 2023

For the “Intermediate”:

  • Montiano PerBene grove Morellino di Scansano Docg 2022
  • Morisfarms Morellino di Scansano Docg 2022
  • Roccapesta Morellino di Scansano Docg 2022
  • Podere 414 Morellino di Scansano Docg 2021

For the Reserve:

  • Alberto Motta Morellino di Scansano Docg Riserva 2021
  • Val delle Rose Poggio al Leone Morellino di Scansano Docg Riserva 2021
  • Saint Lucia Tore del Moro Morellino di Scansano Docg Riserva 2020

These labels will become the protagonists of events to be held in Florence, Rome and Milan dedicated above all to the trade press and partly also to enthusiasts of good drinking.

The first evening in which it will be possible to taste the 10 Morellino del Cuore paired with tasty dishes will be held in Florence on Wednesday 19 June at the Olio Restaurat restaurant in via Il Prato 58R . Some producers will also take part in the dinner, the President of the Consortium Bernardo Guicciardini Calamai and the Director Alessio Durazzi who will present the labels and the project to the public, together with Antonio Stelli.

For more information contact the restaurant on 055 265 8198.

Below are the words of the President of the Consortium Bernardo Guicciardini Calamai.

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More than 60 different cuvées, 27 producers, two masterclasses, a Bubble Bar with a cocktail dedicated to the event: the Consortium is organising, on Monday 17 June from 10.30am to 5.30pm, in the heart of the Eternal City, at Palazzo Brancaccio , Alta Langa Rome , a tasting of Alte Piedmontese bubbles.
The event is reserved for an audience of professional operators : wine sellers, restaurateurs, barmen, HoReCa operators, buyers, distributors and journalists.
To access the event it is necessary to register in the dedicated area of the Consortium website: .
These are the producers who will be present at the Roman event: Banfi, Bera, Borgo Maragliano, Cantina Alice Bel Colle, Colombo, Contract, Coppo, Deltetto, Enrico Serafino, Ettore Germano, Fontanafredda, Gancia, Giulio Cocchi, Il Falchetto, La Fusina, La Torre di Castelrocchero, LHV Avezza, Marcalberto, Mario Giribaldi, Pecchenino, Rizzi, Roberto Garbarino, Tenuta Carretta, Terrabianca, Terre del Barolo, Tosti1820, Vite Colte.
Two masterclasses will accompany the public in learning more about the versatility and longevity of Alte Piedmontese Sparkling Wines. The workshops will be led by Marco Reitano , Head Sommelier of the La Pergola restaurant of the Hotel Rome Cavalieri where he has worked since 1994, awarded the title of Best Sommelier in Italy by Food and Travel magazine.
A Bubble Bar will be set up in the Gallery of Mirrors, where the celebratory cocktail dedicated to Rome based on Alta Langa DOCG and Vermouth di Torino IGP will be presented.
Furthermore, the partners Roccaverano DOP and Crudo di Cuneo DOP will be present and will offer participants a taste of two excellent Piedmontese products.
The comment of Mariacristina Castelletta , president of the Alta Langa Consortium : “ Last autumn we brought the Alte Bollicine Piemontesi to Rome for our event “Alta Langa DOCG: Soul of a Territory”. A precious opportunity for comparison and exchange, in which we found great interest in our denomination and which convinced us to organize this new event, “Alta Langa Roma” in the capital, together with many of our producers, who will be able to tell and present their Alta Langa to the public in person”.

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