Harvest 2024: the prospects of the Consortia Asolo Prosecco and Vini del Montello, Erbaluce Docg, Carema and Canavese Doc, Tutela Vini Trasimeno

We have collected the impressions and projections for the 2024 harvest of the Consortia Asolo Prosecco and Vini del Montello, Caluso Docg, Carema and Canavese Doc and Tutela Vini Trasimeno.

The three presidents explain the prospects, between climate change and new market needs.


President Michele Noal

​The Consorzio Asolo Prosecco e Vini del Montello is preparing to face the 2024 harvest with optimism, despite the difficult weather conditions of May, June and July. Thanks to the commitment of the winemakers and technical support, the vineyards have been preserved and a quality harvest is expected.
​After the excessive rainfall of May and June, followed by the hot and dry days of the second half of July, the intense rains recorded between the end of July and the beginning of August helped restore the water balance of the plants, favoring a stable production both in quantity and quality. With the increase in the market of Asolo Prosecco Superiore Docg (15% per year), the Consortium decided to request the harvest reserve to guarantee price stability and sustainability for the entire supply chain.


President Bartolomeo Merlo

The rainy spring and hot summer herald a good quality harvest for Caluso Docg wines. The ripening times are substantially in line with those of previous years; in a few days, in fact, the winemakers of Caluso and Canavese will begin harvesting Erbaluce, a variety that benefits from the favorable microclimate of the Morenic Amphitheater. The quantity of grapes will be lower than in previous years: in the less ventilated areas, downy mildew and powdery mildew appeared, while the rains during flowering prevented many bunches from ripening. Estimated production is therefore 30% lower than in previous years. Despite these difficulties, the warm climate favored growth and downy mildew was kept under control. Currently, producers are carefully monitoring the sugar levels in the grapes. Furthermore, the presence of Popillia Japonica , although creating some difficulties, does not prevent the continuity of production. The bunches selected for the passito are healthy almost everywhere: in the northern area of ​​Canavese, in fact, some cases of downy mildew have been found.


President Emanuele Bizzi

The premises for the 2024 harvest are excellent, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. The grapes have an ideal phenological ripeness to be harvested in the expected times, without anticipation or slippage. After a cool spring, in fact, the hot summer allowed the development of healthy bunches, avoiding the onset of downy mildew as happened last year. In general, therefore, agronomic management was much simpler than in 2023. If the prospects in terms of product are very positive, the real challenge for companies today concerns the market: there are many subjects as well as supply, which is higher than demand.

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13th edition of Life of Wine

Journey through the Ages of Wine – Sunday, November 24th in Rome.

The 13th edition of Life of Wine will be held on Sunday 24 November, a unique event dedicated to the refinement of wines in the bottle from established Italian wineries, which will come to life in the splendid spaces of the Hotel Villa Pamphili in Rome.

Created by Studio Umami and Roberta Perna Comunicazione Enogastronomica, agencies in Florence specializing in communication and organization of food and wine events, in collaboration with the journalist Maurizio Valeriani, director of the Vinodabere magazine , this year too, it will bring together around 60 companies from all over the Bel Paese, called to let the public taste vintages on the market and previous vintages, for a unique journey to discover the evolution of wine through the passage of time.

Each winery , present at its tasting stand, will bring at least one label and at least two less recent vintages in addition to the vintage on the market , giving those present the opportunity to immerse themselves in numerous and intriguing micro verticals . In addition to this , other labels on the market can also be tasted , to have a comprehensive picture of the production of each individual company.

Some bottles, a discretion of the producers who will participate in this new edition , they can also be purchased by the public present.

Life of Wine will open its doors at 10am on Sunday 24 November.

From 10am to 1.30pm, entry will be reserved for registered sommeliers who, by showing their card at the cash desk, will pay a reduced price of 25 euros instead of 35 euros, and for the press, communicators and operators in the wine sector only who they will be able to request accreditation by going to the website.

From 1.30 pm onwards, enthusiasts will also be able to access and taste until the event closes at 7 pm.

The entrance ticket, to be paid on site, is 35 euros and will allow you to taste all the wines present.

For the list of companies and wines (currently being updated) please refer to the website www.lifeofwine.com

The numbers that have accompanied the event over the years testify to an exponential growth in terms of participation and quality of the public : the last edition saw the presence of over 60 wineries from all over Italy and 600 admissions, including 200 industry operators and over 100 representatives of the specialized press.

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At the Cantine di Franciacorta, an extraordinary tasting of 40 Satèn (and more) from as many companies.

September 14 and 15, 2024 on the occasion of the Franciacorta Festival.

A unique opportunity to taste and compare the styles of the most renowned and emerging companies.

For the Franciacorta Festival , one of the most beloved events by lovers of Italy’s finest sparkling wines, Cantine di Franciacorta (a well-known and well-stocked Wine Store in Erbusco) is once again organizing a truly unique tasting of Satèn this year, in the exclusive location of their wine shop, an elegant 500 m2 open space , set up specifically for the occasion. The protagonists will be 40 Franciacorta wineries selected from the most renowned and the most interesting emerging ones, united by the trait d’union of the extremely high quality of their wines, all with absolutely unique characteristics.

The tasting table will be held on September 14 and 15. Each company will offer two types of Franciacorta , the Satèn and another of its choice. The tastings will be accompanied by a refined served buffet and the tasting glass will be left free . There are four sessions scheduled per day , each lasting about two hours (at 10, 12.30, 15, 17.30), which we recommend booking directly from the website: www.cantinedifranciacorta.it   , or by calling 030 775 1116. This will be a unique opportunity to taste a very wide selection of Franciacorta through a sensory journey in which you will perceive different emotions and sensations with each tasting, comparing the style of the various wineries. All with the support of sommeliers and experts of Cantine di Franciacorta, who will provide information on the peculiarities of each wine and each company.

With this tasting Cantine di Franciacorta continues its commitment to publicizing the excellence of Franciacorta wine production. A reference wine shop for wine lovers, it was founded in Erbusco in 1994, only four years after the birth of the Consortium for the Protection of Franciacorta, with the aim of grouping and promoting the wines of all the Franciacorta companies in a single space . There is a vast and complete assortment of Franciacorta wines at cellar prices, with all the producers represented and 1200 labels . Located near the Rovato motorway exit, on the road that leads to Lake Iseo, this modern, warm and welcoming Wine Store also has an elegant Wine Bar , the ideal place to stop for an aperitif .

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Amaro del Ciclista protagonist at Italian Bike Festival 2024

The Casoni-branded bitter gets on the saddle and pedals to the Italian Bike Festival, scheduled for 13 to 15 September 2024.

Amaro del Ciclista , the end of the meal and the end of the race preferred by two-wheel lovers, will stop from 13 to 15 September at the Italian Bike Festival , the International Bike Show in Misano Adriatico , which will be held in the prestigious setting of the Misano World Circuit , where it will have the opportunity to make itself known to end consumers, partners and the media. A stage, that of IBF , where absolute passion for the bike as a means of daily travel, sport, training or lifestyle reigns. To date, the Italian Bike Festival is the leading European platform for the bike and soft mobility market. A three-day event in which the industry represented by over 600 brands in the sector has the opportunity to connect with its public by presenting the latest innovations.

The kermesse, now in its sixth edition, will also feature Amaro del Ciclista as its protagonist in this 2024 edition. Produced by Casoni , a historic distillery based in Finale Emilia (Modena), Amaro del Ciclista is a full and rounded amaro with an unmistakable herbal taste, to be enjoyed chilled and perfect for sharing with adventure companions. Available in the ORIGINALE version, for those who love traditional liqueurs, and POP , with a young and fresh profile.

The Emilian bitter will be the center of attention with a stand open to the public ( BOOTH K4 ), where visitors will be able to meet special guests and influencers engaged in promotional and engagement activities, as well as have the opportunity to taste and purchase the product. In addition, numerous interactive and engaging activities will be held, thanks to which it will be possible to get involved with the possibility of winning exclusive Amaro del Ciclista gadgets.

Not only that: there will also be prominent guests at the stand linked to the world of two wheels. Below are the guests who await you at the BOOTH K4 Amaro del Ciclista stand:

  • Friday, September 13, Riccardo Magrini, former cyclist, now a cycling sports commentator and commentator for Eurosport. After a successful career, he became sports director for various junior amateur teams. All companies that saw the growth of Italian cycling champions of the caliber of Giovanni Visconti, Marco Pantani and Mario Cipollini in those years.
  • Saturday 14th September , Mattia de Marchi , specialist in long distances, dirt and gravel. Mattia has cycling in his blood and knows how to transmit his passion to all those who cross his path and are lucky enough to pedal a few kilometres alongside him. It was his idea to found ENOUGH, a collective currently made up of ten boys and girls, who meet to pedal together, participate in competitions and events and to introduce the youngest to this sport.
  • On Sunday, September 15, “El diablo” Claudio Chiappucci, former professional cyclist from 1985 to 1998, won a Milan-Sanremo, two Giro del Piemonte, three stages in the Tour de France and one in the Giro d’Italia. After his extraordinary professional career, Chiappucci participated in several television programs on Rai channels, and followed the 2008 Giro d’Italia as a commentator at the end of the stage, together with Paolo Condò of La Gazzetta dello Sport.

This is the comment of Manuel Greco , Trade Marketing Manager Casoni : “We are pleased to announce our participation in the Italian Bike Festival 2024: we will be present at IBF with our Amaro del Ciclista, the favorite bitter of cyclists and not only, the perfect end to a meal after a ride in company. Amaro del Ciclista – continues Greco – comes from an original Casoni recipe, and is a bitter made with 20 aromatic herbs, among which the hints of licorice and chinoise stand out. In addition, it has a truly particular history: we invite you to come and discover it at our stand at the Italian Bike Festival. You will find us at the BOOTH K4 : we have prepared many interactive activities for you and a series of truly high-level guests. We look forward to seeing you for a toast with Amaro del Ciclista!”

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