On August 9th, the five distilleries of the small village in the Valle dei Laghi, home of Trentino artisanal grappa just a few kilometers from the Trentino capital, will be transformed into a special stage for evocative live performances of music and mixology.

In the wake of the success of “The night of the lit stills”, a spectacular event which every year in December attracts hundreds of visitors to Santa Mammina di Vallelaghi, the Associazione Santa Messere Piccola Nizza de Trent , with the support of the Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino and Garda Trentino and the participation of Slow Food Trentino Valle dell’Adige and Alto Garda , has created an equally evocative summer event, which once again puts the family-run distilleries of this small Trentino village at the center.

It is ” Grappa Notes, Jazz and Cocktails in Santa Messere “, a real sensorial journey that combines live music and tastings of Trentino grappa mixed by young distillers , for an unprecedented meeting between the ancient art of distillation and the innovation and creativity of mixology.

Scheduled for Friday 9 August, starting from 8.00 pm , “Note di Grappa” represents a unique evening of its kind, in which the sounds of jazz, soul, funk and blues will resonate among the copper stills of the five historic distilleries of the town, thus recreating , in a Trentino key, the atmosphere and mood typical of the London neighborhoods of Chelsea and Fulham.

Each distillery will host small groups at a time for an intimate and immersive experience. Participants will move freely in rotation between the distilleries to be able to attend, stage after stage, all the scheduled performances while tasting the different blended proposals combined with a series of delicious appetizers curated by Slow Food Trentino Valle dell’Adige and Alto Garda .

A sixth stage will include a special station , where a professional barman will illustrate the art of mixing grappa in cocktails and where it will be possible to deepen knowledge of traditional Trentino grappa, its distinctive characteristics and its versatile applications thanks to the setting up of a showcase of references from the Trentino Grappa Protection Institute .

Trentino grappa

Grappa del Trentino comes from a century-old family tradition that has been handed down from father to son. Its production strongly characterizes the entire Trentino area: each area of the province, in fact, is characterized by particular microclimates that lend themselves as natural habitats for various types of vines. And so, like wine, grappa is also characterized by the valley of origin: the Cembra Valley is specialized in the production of Müller Thurgau grappa, the Piana Rotaliana in that of Teroldego, the Valle dei Laghi – and, in particular Santa Msenza – in that of Nosiola, Vallagarina in that of Marzemino.

To obtain Grappa del Trentino, the companies, most of which are medium-small in size and family-run, work exclusively with very fresh pomace (the end of distillation is set for 31.12) and coming only from the provincial territory, to guarantee quality, aromas and elegance. to the finished product, and distill it according to the traditional so-called “bain-marie” method inside traditional stills, which heat the contents gradually and uniformly, in order to guarantee correct extraction of the aromas. During the operation, the master distillers separate the essence into head, tail and heart, in order to have a balanced product rich in aromas.

To safeguard these production techniques, enhance the product and promote it, the Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino was founded in 1969, which provides for self-discipline rules and strict controls, to guarantee indisputable quality, certified by external bodies that control its clarity, harmony of aromas, softness and typicality of taste.



An institutional stand as part of the festival on the Regina Adelaide lakefront, from 6 to 8 July, to welcome visitors and wine enthusiasts to discover the varietal wines and bubbles of the Denomination.

Piano, violins and DJ sets accompany the excellent wines of Garda on a journey along the Regina Adelaide lakeside: this is Street Wine Garda , where from 6 to 8 July an institutional stand of the Garda DOC Consortium will be the outpost for varietal wines and bubbles of the Denomination. A large open-air cellar for a summer festival sponsored by the Veneto Region and the Municipality of Garda, supporter of the initiative, created by the Associazione Hostaria Verona in collaboration with the Garda DOC Consortium and the Mantovani Vini Consortium. “We are pleased to take part in Street Wine Garda – underlines the President of the Garda DOC Consortium Paolo Fiorini – at the same time a special walk around tasting in the different wine production areas and a place of storytelling where wine lovers can learn more about the typical features of the Denomination. The Garda DOC wines are born in an unparalleled geographical area, a unique place surrounded by the Alps and illuminated by a body of water, where thanks to a special, constantly temperate climate, you can breathe Mediterranean air, surrounded by vegetation that remember the typicality. The wines of the Denomination are emblematic of these unique characteristics.” Created to give representation to the varietal wines of the historic production areas of the Garda area, between the provinces of Verona, Mantua and Brescia, and therefore enhance all those wines without any indication or territorial recognition, the DOC Garda has seen its production expand over the years, to also include sparkling wine production and the White and Red types. One of the areas of intervention in which the Consortium has moved most and with great success in recent years is undoubtedly the consolidation of the image of Garda wines, understood as valorising the existence of these wine excellences, with the aim of ensure that their value is, first of all, perceived and understood by both the consumer and the producer himself.


A hilly area with unique landscape characteristics, between Lombardy and Veneto, protected by the mountains and overlooking the largest basin in Italy: here, between the provinces of Brescia, Mantua and Verona, lies the DOC Garda, a wine production area in where the special climatic conditions have shaped the qualities of the different grape species that grow there over time and, still, determine their peculiarities. Recognized for the first time in 1996 with the aim of enhancing the varietal wines produced in the 10 historic production areas of the Garda area, the DOC Garda is a denomination guided by a strong spirit of innovation, capable, over the years, of evolving into based on consumer needs, while respecting a product that has very ancient origins here. Having obtained ministerial recognition in 2015 and operating erga omnes since 2016, today the Garda Doc Consortium represents 250 users of the denomination, giving voice and promoting one of the most precious food and wine excellences in Italy.



The Diesel Farm winery announces the selection of its “Breganze DOC ‘Icon'” among the excellent wines chosen to represent our country at Casa Italia during the Paris 2024 Olympics .

I love sport ”, declares Renzo Rosso , “ and seeing our ‘Icon’ among the most representative labels of Made in Italy winemaking during this prestigious occasion makes me proud. Among sportspeople, I know that many already know the Diesel Farm wines and on this occasion I hope that even more athletes, fans and guests can drink a glass of our wine in celebration of the values of sport and Italian spirit.

The selection, curated by Ensemble, the hospitality house of the Olympics, led by chef Davide Oldani and the LT Wine & Food Advisory team, with the support of industry experts such as Luciano Ferraro, historic signature of the Corriere della Sera . This year Casa Italia will not only be a meeting place for athletes and guests, but a real stage, where the Italian wine tradition will be celebrated on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its birth, as remembered by Giovanni Malagò, president of CONI . A context further enriched by the fact that Casa Italia will be located in Le Prè Catelan, where Baron Pierre de Coubertin toasted the birth of the Olympic Games of the modern era.

We are really proud that our Icon brings a sip of Italian wine to the Olympics “, concludes Renzo Rosso, ” also because it is my ‘lucky’ wine and I want to share it with the entire national team to which I toast with a big “Forza Italia! ” ”.


Wine trends in Italy: Week from 24 to 28 June 2024

Italian wine exports continue to show a positive trend in the first months of 2024, with an increase of 9.5% compared to the same period of 2023, reaching a value of 1.14 billion euros and a volume of 297.6 million of liters (8.2%).

Performance of the Italian Wine Market

In 2024, the Italian wine market has experienced significant changes. Exports have been crucial to the Italian economy, with traditional markets such as the United States, Switzerland, Canada and Russia seeing significant increases. Italian wineries have adapted their marketing and distribution strategies, investing in targeted campaigns and local collaborations, while maintaining a strong commitment to the domestic market.

Exports on the rise

January saw a 14% increase in Italian wine exports compared to the previous month, with a value of 539 million euros. The American market showed an above-average performance, especially for still wines. Exports to Switzerland, Canada and Russia also increased, with sparkling wines, particularly Prosecco, recording a 17% increase in the month.

Consumer Trends

In the first quarter of 2024, sales in large-scale distribution showed a slight improvement compared to the end of 2023. Although 0.75 liter bottles recorded a decrease of 2.2%, sparkling wines saw a growth of 3.8 %, driven by Prosecco. White wines and sparkling wines are gaining ground on red wines, while rosé wine consumption is increasing, although it still represents a small market share.

Prospects for the Future

The outlook for the rest of 2024 indicates a moderate recovery, with a gradual improvement in sales. Wineries’ strategies could include controlled price increases and aggressive promotions. Communication and innovation will be fundamental to attract new generations of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to green attributes and low alcohol content.

Contribution from the Regions

The central-northern regions, in particular Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, led the growth in exports in the first three months of 2024. Veneto recorded 663 million euros in exports, with a growth of 5.7% compared to to 2023. Tuscany (5.1%) and Emilia-Romagna (10.8%) also showed positive performances. However, other regions such as Piedmont, Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sicily recorded declines in exports.

Federalimentare declarations

Paolo Mascarino, president of Federalimentare, highlighted that Italian wine continues to drive Made in Italy around the world. The agri-food sector recorded an increase of 2% in Italy and 12% in exports in the first half of 2024. However, geopolitical tensions and changes in consumption represent challenges for the future.

The Italian wine market shows signs of recovery, but uncertainties remain linked to changes in consumption and geopolitical tensions. Exports continue to grow, supported by marketing and innovation strategies, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the evolution of the domestic and international market.

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