CEO Mario Piccini and technicians from the Piccini 1882 Group companies talk about the characteristics of the vintage, from Tuscany to Etna.

In the vineyards of the Piccini 1882 Group, the 2024 harvest has just begun with the picking of Vermentino grapes, intended for sparkling wine. “ Finally, after seven years of alternating harvests in terms of quantity or quality not in line, we can this year return to a satisfactory harvest from both points of view. The spring rains have mitigated any water stress and the hot and dry summer has favored the production of healthy and ripe grapes. We expect good if not excellent quality in most of the denominations that belong to the brands of the Piccini 1882 group ,” says the CEO of the Piccini 1882 Group, Mario Piccini . In Maremma , the harvest looks rather promising both in terms of quality and quantity. This last figure, although still below average due to the hot and dry season in some areas, is far higher than that of 2023. Pasquale Presutto , agronomist at Tenuta Moraia in Maremma, states that ” the season started in spring with excellent prospects, the spring rains created sufficient reserves to face the summer without suffering from water stress. The flowering phase developed regularly and, thanks to the dry weather in June, we did not have major problems with fungal diseases. Some problems, especially in Maremma, arose due to the high temperatures that lasted in July and August: the veraison on the reds was rather uneven, especially for the Sangiovese, while the Vermentino, being earlier, did not suffer any problems in this sense. The international varieties are doing well, proceeding towards the end of ripening helped by the night-time temperature range, which has returned to being rather regular since mid-August.In the lands of Chianti Classico, where our Fattoria di Valiano is located – continues Pasquale Presutto – the harvest is expected between the last days of September and the first days of October, and is expected to be one of the best in recent decades. The Sangiovese has benefited from the dry and warm climate, with some light summer rain at the right time, the delayed defoliation phase has avoided burning the bunches which are healthy and in the right quantity. The night temperatures, which have dropped significantly since mid-August, will allow the grapes to ripen perfectly. If no adverse weather events occur, we could have a Chianti Classico vintage to remember for a long time ”. As for the Sicilian estate Torre Mora , the winemaker Alessandro Barabes states that: “ in this vintage characterised by very high temperatures and prolonged drought, Etna still stands out for its peculiarities which make it an island within an island, thanks to its unique soil and climate characteristics ”. The Etna denomination , which develops largely on the northern side of the volcano, has responded best to the difficulties thanks above all to the following characteristics: – altitude of the vineyards between 600 and 900 m above sea level, with consequent wide temperature range in summer; – water reserves in the deep layers of the soil, a consequence of the melting of the snow present at high altitude until late June. “ Both the white grapes ( Carricante ) and the red ones ( Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio ) are healthy and in good quantity. We will begin harvesting the grapes dedicated to the sparkling wine base at the beginning of September, then continue with the whites and grapes destined for the Etna rosé in the second week of the month and close with the reds between the end of September and the beginning of October .” “ At our Regio Cantina estate, in the Aglianico del Vulture denomination – adds Alessandro Barabesi – the drought has hit hard. In Basilicata, the last significant rainfall dates back to February. In this stressful situation, the vine naturally tends to favor its own survival at the expense of the fruit, producing smaller bunches and in smaller quantities. This will cause a more limited production, although we hope that the September rains will bring about a regular ripening. In fact, Aglianico is one of the last varieties to be harvested (between the end of October and the beginning of November), therefore, there could still be room to recover and have a quality year, albeit limited in quantity ”. Alessio Ciomei , oenologist at Piccini , instead outlines the picture for the imminent harvest in Chianti : “ we are now close to the harvest in the Chianti DOCG area, which with its over 15,000 hectares of surface area represents one of the largest denominations for reds. Our suppliers are largely concentrated in the provinces of Siena and Florence with some presence in the province of Arezzo. In the three areas, the seasonal trend was rather homogeneous, with a limited incidence of downy mildew between the end of June and the beginning of July, which however only affected the quantity produced. From a quantitative point of view, we have returned to the usual standards, with 30% compared to the very difficult 2023 vintage. Although the highest vineyards suffered from drought, the quality of the grapes is excellent ”. “ The vintage in Montalcino was characterized by a phase of humid pressure between the end of June and the beginning of July which fueled an outbreak of downy mildew. However, unlike what happened last year, when the disease manifested itself early in the flowering phase, the damage was limited to a loss of production, with no effects on the quality of the grapes. On the other hand, the season has always enjoyed a strong temperature range, during the hottest period, which allowed the vines to better manage the ripening. As often happens in Montalcino, the last 20-30 days that separate us from the harvest will be decisive for quality. Nonetheless, today we can associate the quality of the 2024 harvest with the 2019 one and limit ourselves to the more recent ones ,” says Santo Gozzo , winemaker at Villa al Cortile .


VENDEMMIA REALE, Saturday 7 September the biggest grape harvest festival in Turin. Focus on sustainability, with over 40 wineries

Vendemmia Reale is back, the biggest grape harvest festival in Turin in the setting of the Royal Museums Gardens.

After the success of the previous editions, Club Silencio and Torino Wine Week open the doors of the Royal Museums on Saturday 7 September on the occasion of Vendemmia Reale . The two entities together promote the value of sustainability with the involvement of over 40 wineries that are attentive to sustainability in the vineyard , which follow a traditional oenology aimed at enhancing the terroir .

A special evening where tastings of some of the best wines from Piedmont and all over Italy can be accompanied by the discovery of the places of the Royal Museums that are usually closed to the public.

At the center, the Piedmont of wine, with the participation of over 15 wineries, from the Pinerolo area and the province of Turin, to the crus of Barolo and Morra, and then again the Asti area, the Alessandria area, the lands of Roero and Alba.

Thanks to the extraordinary participation of the Consorzio Tutela Lugana, you will have the opportunity to learn about one of the first DOCs (1967) in Lombardy, and its commitment to accompanying wineries towards greater investment in sustainability, with over 50% of the hectares of vineyards having already achieved sustainability certifications.

Together with the Consorzio Tutela Valcalepio you can also discover the wine of Bergamo, through the Valcalepio DOC and the newly formed Terre del Colleoni DOC. The true protagonists of Valcalepio are the wineries that, united under the aegis of the leader Bartolomeo Colleoni (symbol of the Consortium), carry forward the name of viticulture and oenology of Bergamo, with attention to quality and the environment.

The journey, to celebrate the grape harvest, continues through Liguria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Campania, Lazio, Puglia, until arriving in Sicily.

Thanks to the extraordinary opening of the apartments on the ground floor of the Royal Palace, it will be possible to visit the Apartment of King Vittorio Emanuele III , which houses a precious series of watercolour views by Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti, and the Apartment of Queen Elena , culminating in a refined bathroom with original furnishings, decorated with floral watercolours by the painter Emma Biscarra.

You can also take part in the exclusive guided tour of the CoopCulture Royal Kitchens to learn some curiosities related to the table ceremonies of the Royal Palace and participate in the multisensory tasting experience “Mindful Wine Tasting” by Marta Indro di Giulio.

The Lecce-born DJ and producer Populous , who made his debut for the Berlin label Morr Music and who has collaborated as a sound designer for the most famous fashion houses such as Gucci, Missoni and Vivienne Westwood, will take control of the console following the opening act by XNX Party .

Finally, there will be a cocktail bar, various food options, Play Corner activities and the Virtual Reality Experience .



Saturday 7th September, 7pm-12am

Last access to the event at 11:00 PM

Last visit access at 10.45pm

Entrance 3 wine tastings glass holder visits: €25 // LATE ENTRANCE Drink entrance: €15 (limited places – mandatory accreditation)

Guided tour of the Royal Kitchens: (€5) (Limited places – purchase on site)

Mindful Wine Tasting: (10€) (Limited places – purchase on site)

Entrance to the Royal Museums from Piazzetta Reale 1, Turin

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MASI: HARVEST 2024: harvesting has begun in the Masi Agricola vineyards and Harvest Festival

Changing climate, quality that remains Hope for a good year for the Amarone Classico from the hills The “Festa della Vendemmia” event awaited on September 14th at Masi Tenuta Canova.

After the first harvest of 2024 in Argentina in Tupungato in March, Masi Agricola has started the harvest in its vineyards in the Veneto and Tuscany a few days ago . The early varieties in Trentino, Veneto and Friuli have already been harvested for more than ten days.

The notes from the vineyard of the Masi Technical Group photograph the general trend for the 2024 wine year in northern and central Italy. The winter was milder than usual in terms of both minimum and maximum temperatures. Spring was particularly variable with an April characterized by contrasting weather conditions: the first weeks recorded almost summer-like temperatures, well above the seasonal average, while the following weeks were colder, almost winter-like, with late frosts that caused a reduction in yields in some valley floor vineyards in the north-east.

The summer created notable differences between the vineyards in the north and those in central/Tuscany: in the north with continuous rainfall until the month of July and in the center-south with constant water stress. The rains in the north favored lush vegetation with constant wetting of the foliage and humid soils with consequent risk of cryptogamic attacks. The promptness of intervention and the suitable areas, where stagnation is reduced, meant that the damage in the Group’s main vineyards was very limited. The month of August recorded temperatures strongly above average in both minimum and maximum temperatures, therefore, a metabolic increase in the vine was recorded; to date, ripening is earlier than average and also in relation to 2023, with strong variability depending on the age of the vineyards and their positioning.

Unfortunately, the growing season gives us a clear vision of the climate changes taking place and of an irreversible trend. Extreme phenomena, unpredictable variations and early harvests. In these conditions, the vocation of the historic and hilly areas makes the difference, where the soil conditions, the greater day/night temperature range, the historic marriage of the land with its own varieties of choice, together with the traditional training system, in our case pergola, manage to mitigate the negative impacts. This is proven by recent studies by our Technical Group with the team of Prof. Brancadoro of the State University of Milan, ” comments Sandro Boscaini, President of Masi known as Mister Amarone . “ For the Appassimento wines and Amarone, to which Masi dedicates particular, competent care, we expect a good harvest in Valpolicella Classica, even if not abundant. We still have a couple of weeks of trepidation, hoping that adverse weather does not compromise the harvest at the last minute.”


Veneto – Valpolicella: in the Classica area the grapes are ripening regularly and are healthy and uniform. Monitoring indicates a gradual increase in sugar and phenolic content.

The harvest is expected to begin within the first ten days of September for the low hill areas, in Campofiorin , in the Serego Alighieri vineyards in Gargagnago and in the legendary Vaio Armaron . The harvest will then continue in the hill vineyards, in the Costasera vineyards and in the crus of the great Amarones: Mazzano, Campolongo di Torbe and Vaio dei Masi .

Veneto – Lake Garda: the Tenuta Canova vineyards in Lazise were affected by root asphyxia and thermal stress with temperatures above 37 degrees on some days in August. The perfect phenolic ripening of the Corvina, Rondinella and Corvinone grapes is expected from September 9th.

Veneto – Soave: the grapes are in excellent health, they are sparse and begin to take on the typical color of Garganega when ripe; the harvest, strictly manual, both for the Soave Classico Levarie and in the organic vineyard Colbaraca , is expected from September 12th.

Veneto – Lugana: the quantity is slightly below the historical average, penalized again this year by the hail of 2023. Overall the grapes are healthy and qualitative by virtue of a scrupulous commitment to maintaining organic cultivation in the Lunatio and Beldosso vineyards.

Veneto – Valdobbiadene: the vineyards of Tenuta Canevel were affected by a light summer hailstorm, whose wounds were healed thanks to the dry weather in August. Therefore, there is a slight drop in production but no compromise in the quality of the harvest. The harvest will begin in the second week of September for the harvest intended for the Setàge sparkling wine and for the Terre del Faé and Campofalco crus.

Trentino – Rovereto: in the Tenuta Conti Bossi Fedrigotti estate, the grapes for the Conte Federico Trento doc sparkling wine base have already been harvested since mid-August, but production drops have been observed following the drop in temperatures at the end of April. The harvest of pinot grigio for the production of Pian del Griso and chardonnay for Vign’Asmara is currently underway. The harvest of red grapes destined for Fojaneghe, Mas’Est, both Teroldego and Marzemino, will begin at the beginning of September.

Friuli – Castrion di Strada : the harvest began on August 20th for the Pinot Grigio grapes destined for Masianco , followed by the other white and red varieties from the first days of September. The grapes have balanced parameters and a good accumulation of sugar and phenolic compounds.

Oltrepò Pavese: in the Tenuta Casa Re , acquired by the Masi Group last September 2023, the harvest of the Pinot Nero grapes began on August 20 and analytical values were found that were adequate for the technological maturity of the grapes suitable for the production of Moxxè del Re Pinot Nero Metodo Classico Oltrepò Pavese docg . Sporadic attacks of powdery mildew in the last part of the season penalized the potential quantities.

Tuscany: in Val D’Orcia, in the Tenuta dei Poderi del Bello Ovile Serego Alighieri, which has been organically farmed for years, the water stress that has characterized central and southern Italy has also partially affected the Vermentino vineyards, already being harvested, as well as the Sangiovese, Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo vineyards, where the harvest is scheduled for early September.

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Cocco…Wine 2024 – Cocconato d’Asti Friday 30, Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September

An invitation to the event news and updates on the 23rd edition of the event FRIDAY 30 AUGUST Preview (Sold out) SATURDAY 31 AUGUST AND SUNDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2024.

The Go Wine association promotes and organizes the event with the Consorzio Cocconato Riviera del Monferrato and in agreement with the Municipality of Cocconato.

The cellars of Cocconato, the islands of wine

Cocconato will transform into a virtual wine route, a path that will wind from Piazza Cavour along Via Roma to the Cortile del Collegio, alternating wine tastings with typical local products.

A completely pedestrianized historic center, animated for the event: it will host the cellars of Cocconato, other parts of Piedmont and some artisans of taste with their tasting proposals.

In particular, the Cocconato cellars will welcome all participants, each managing an exhibition space and telling the story of the vineyards and wines of this corner of Piedmont. Barbera d’Asti is the most

important and best known in the area; the production extends however to other red wines from native vines, to appreciated selections of white wines that find ideal conditions to express themselves on the soils of Cocconato.





Balliano, Grana (At)

Boeri Vini – Costigliole d’Asti (At) Social Winery of Castagnole Monferrato (At)

Farmhouse of the Well, Castellinaldo (Cn)

Gilli Farmhouse, Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT)

Paladin Farmhouse, Canale (Cn)

San Bernardo Farmhouse, Villadeati (Al)

Crota Cichin, Santo Stefano Roero (Cn)

Eusebius of Stroppiana Marilena, Salussola (Bi)

Nazzari, Ponzano Monferrato (Al)

Mauro Rei, Monferrato Hall (Al)

Terre d’Eburias, Costigliole d’Asti (At)

On Sunday 1st September , the third day of the event, there will be an interesting guided tasting dedicated to the Nebbiolo grape variety grown in this part of the Asti area.

An ancient vocation that harks back first and foremost to the Albugnano denomination, which has been present at the event for years with selections from the wineries that are part of the Albugnano 549 association.

And with some labels linked to Cocconato wineries, which over the years have dedicated attention to the variety, with new interpretations, thus supporting the traditional cultivation of Barbera.

In the courtyard of Casa Fasoglio, at 5 pm, a tasting will be held which, starting from the characteristics of the vine, aims to analyze the soils and characteristics of the wines produced, in an interesting comparison.

The tasting will be conducted by Professor Vincenzo Gerbi.

It is reserved free of charge for all participants of the Cocco…Wine event who must confirm the reservation by filling out the attached coupon. (Reservations will be accepted until all available seats are filled).

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