An authentic journey through time: from 6 to 8 September the Agrifestival dell’Uva e dei Vecchi Mestieri returns to relive the daily life of the past.

Agrifestival dell’uva e dei vecchi mestieri ” returns again this year to bring back to life the scenarios of everyday life of the past, allowing you to explore the crafts and traditions that are part of local history, in an authentic journey into the past. The event will be held on the evening of the 6th and the days of the 7th and 8th of September from 10:00 to 23:00 at SuttoWine in Noventa di Piave (VE) .

A real fair, with an exhibition of tractors, historic work bicycles , old and new agricultural vehicles and tools , up to the pressing of grapes with the feet for children. From the Luna Park Vintage with original games to the magical circus performances, the Agrifestival translates into three alternative days that will enchant not only adults, but also the little ones. Along with rural and vintage traditions, Agrifestival will also offer the enveloping evening music of the past and traditional food such as the “gran spiedo di carne”, all in an open-air context, recalling the ancient agricultural festivals.

It will be a moment to relive the authentic rural atmosphere of the past. You will be able to rediscover the warmth of country life, of simple and spontaneous conviviality, the artisanal skill of traditional trades, popular music and the foods and recipes that have brought families together at the table in this area. These are the elements that we want to bring back to the forefront and share with the participants of the Festival and that will bring families back to their roots “, explains Luigi Sutto , owner together with his brother Stefano of the company of the same name, hoping for an enthusiastic participation of adults and children .


Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September , SuttoWine Via Bosco 18, 30020 Noventa di Piave (VE)

From 10:00 to 17:00 paid entrance : €8 adults, €4 children up to 12 years old

Free entry from 5pm

Workshops and activities within the event are included


Friday 6th September

7:00 PM RADIO PARADE hits of all time

Bar and snack kiosk opening

Saturday 7th September

10.30am Opening with the authorities

11:00am Start of activities, old-fashioned games and various workshops

Demonstrations by cheesemaker, blacksmith, basket maker, cooper, beekeeper, bricklayer and much more

Horseback riding and train ride

12:00 pm Foot-pressing reserved for children

Opening of food stand

3:00 pm Start of activities, old-fashioned games and various workshops

Demonstrations by cheesemaker, blacksmith, basket maker, cooper, beekeeper, bricklayer and much more

Horseback riding and train ride

3.30pm Foot-pressing reserved for children

6:00 pm SOUND GARDEN, DJ SET aperitif

Tommy De Sica Music Band

7:00 pm Large meat skewer and food and wine stand

Sunday 8th September

11:00am Start of activities, old-fashioned games and various workshops

Vintage amusement park and old trades bicycles

Demonstrations by cheesemaker, blacksmith, basket maker, cooper, beekeeper, bricklayer and much more

Horseback riding and train ride

12:00 pm Foot-pressing reserved for children

Big meat skewer and opening of food and wine stand

3:00 pm Start of activities, old-fashioned games and various workshops

Vintage amusement park and old trades bicycles

Demonstrations by cheesemaker, blacksmith, basket maker, cooper, beekeeper, bricklayer and much more

Horseback riding and train ride

3.30pm Foot-pressing reserved for children


7:00 pm Large meat skewer and food and wine stand


Large skewer of meat

Potato gnocchi, ragù or tomato

Codfish Vicenza style

Tripe parmesan

Soft polenta, mushrooms and cheese

French fries

Beans and onion



Talosa, a bastion of excellence in the Montepulciano wine scene, is pleased to present the developments of the “Pieve del Nobile” project, an initiative begun in 2020 that marked a turning point in the valorization of the historic vineyards and the most suitable areas of the prestigious wine area of Montepulciano, in Tuscany.

This project, launched with the aim of rediscovering and enhancing long- neglected lands , has highlighted the importance of an approach that integrates tradition and modernity in the winemaking field. “ Il Pieve del Nobile – explains Edoardo Mottini Jacorossi , CEO of Talosa – focuses on the recovery of ancient and valuable vineyards, reintroducing traditional cultivation techniques enriched by modern winemaking knowledge. The project promotes sustainable and high-quality viticulture, intrinsically linked to the unique characteristics of the Montepulciano terroir, with the aim of producing wines that are the purest and most authentic expression of these particular lands ”.
A fundamental aspect of the project is the conservation of biodiversity : “Pieve del Nobile continues Jacorossi – is in fact committed to the protection of historic vine varieties and to the adoption of agricultural practices that favor environmental sustainability . This balance between innovation and historical heritage translates into wines that more markedly reflect the peculiarities of the soil and the local climate, accentuating the finesse and complexity of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano .”
The project involves a series of local producers, renowned oenologists , expert agronomists and local institutions , all united by the common goal of relaunching and promoting an agriculture that is respectful of the environment and local traditions. “Pieve del Nobile” has thus become a virtuous example of how viticulture can evolve in a sustainable way, while preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the Montepulciano area, significantly contributing to the prestige of Vino Nobile on an international scale.
In parallel with the valorization of the wine heritage and its quality, Michele Merola, winemaker at Talosa , offers an overview of the challenges and expectations for the 2024 harvest now upon us: ” The 2024 climate season has brought notable challenges, with a summer characterized by extreme heat and drought that have put the vineyards to the test.”
Merola explains, however, how tenacity and innovation have played a crucial role : ” Despite the difficult conditions, constant attention and the use of preventive treatments have allowed us to keep diseases such as powdery mildew under control. We have adopted reactive and precision agricultural techniques to optimize the physiology of the plants, ensuring balanced irrigation and protecting the bunches from direct sunlight. All this makes us think that the quality will be high, while compared to last year, production has returned to normal, so we believe we will return to the levels of the previous harvest .”
Merola continues by directly linking the project to current growing conditions: ” The agronomic approach we are pursuing aligns perfectly with the goals of ‘Pieve del Nobile’ . The resilience of our agricultural practices and the ability to adapt rapidly to climate change are essential to the success of the project and to ensure that each vintage reflects the quality and complexity expected from Vino Nobile di Montepulciano.”
This unceasing commitment to excellence and sustainability reflects Talosa’s aspiration to go beyond the mere production of fine wines, embracing a broader vision that includes the protection and enhancement of the cultural and oenological heritage of Montepulciano. With each vintage, Talosa renews its commitment to preserving the authenticity and prestige of the territory, consolidating its position as an icon of quality and innovation in the international winemaking panorama.


Open Cellars during the Harvest. In the months of September and October 2024 in the MTV cellars

In the months of September and October 2024 in cellars throughout Italy.

It’s time to celebrate the arrival of autumn by discovering all the secrets of the grape harvest, walking among the rows and tasting the typical products of each region together with the producers of the Movimento Turismo del Vino . The Italian association that includes more than 700 member wineries is ready to welcome wine tourists on the occasion of one of the most popular events among enthusiasts.

From the summer heat of starry nights to the sweet colors of the autumn vineyard… and it’s a party!

Cantine Aperte in Vendemmia is upon us and marks the magnificent transition of the seasons that bid farewell to the sunny summer and lead to the magnificent autumn colours and harvest celebrations.

The unmissable event created by the Movimento Turismo del Vino, which every year involves thousands of wine tourists and producers in the largest grape harvest festival in Italy, is coming with a calendar of authentic experiences. Throughout the months of September and October, the joy of the grape harvest will be celebrated together with the producers of the MTV, sharing a good glass of wine and tasty snacks among the rows.

The snack, a tasty break to be consumed among the rows, which gives joy and taste!

Sharing a snack with genuine products, in the open air and accompanied by the stories of the local winemakers and farmers, gives enthusiasts from all over Italy the chance to live a unique experience in the name of conviviality and fun in the open air .

La Merenda in Vendemmia ” – underlines Violante Gardini Cinelli Colombini, president of the Movimento Turismo del Vino – is in fact the theme of this 2024 edition. A unique opportunity to enhance and publicize the rich and varied food and wine heritage of all of Italy. For Cantine Aperte in Vendemmia, visitors to the wineries that are members of the Movimento Turismo del Vino will also discover how to understand if the grapes are ready for the harvest and how the winery transforms the grapes into wine, becoming “winemakers for a day ”.

The protagonists are not only the great wines and the best vintages but also the Dop, Igp products and the traditional specialties for a calendar of tasting itineraries in the MTV cellars that tell the best of the food and wine of each territory.

The snack during the grape harvest in Italy varies from region to region, reflecting the local gastronomic richness. Here is a brief excursus:

In Friuli , salami and homemade bread are the protagonists, accompanied by cheeses such as Montasio and omelettes with wild herbs, all washed down with wine.

In Trentino , the snack is sweet mid-morning, while the “regalia” at the end of the grape harvest is celebrated with potato cake, cured meats, cheeses and beans with onions.

In Emilia Romagna , you can enjoy crescentine with mortadella or salami felino, piadina romagnola with squacquerone and ham, or pinza with mustard.

In Tuscany , “bread, butter and wine” is a classic, but today the “schiacciata all’uva” or bread with grape jam is preferred. The traditional sandwich with Tuscan ham is also not missing.

In Abruzzo , people eat bread with Ventricina, a typical spiced salami, accompanied by homemade bread.

In Umbria , the torta al testo, a low focaccia filled with sausage, grilled vegetables or pork cracklings.

In Southern Italy , “pane e pomodoro” is a classic, with variations such as panzanella, also prepared in autumn. There is no shortage of omelettes with seasonal herbs, which, however, we find a bit throughout Italy.

In Basilicata , the protagonists are the cruschi peppers, sweet peppers dried and fried until they become crunchy. They are often accompanied by homemade bread.

In Sicily , “pane cunzatu” is seasoned with fresh tomatoes, anchovies, olive oil, oregano and caciocavallo or pecorino cheese.

In Sardinia , Pane Guttiau, a variant of carasau, seasoned with oil and salt, is ideal for a break during the grape harvest.

This 2024 edition is truly designed for everyone…

Families with children and teenagers, young people, curious wine tourists, experts and enthusiasts of local food and wine. An exclusive and inclusive experience for everyone : the grape harvest is in fact the most important moment of the whole year and does not end with the grape harvest; even the subsequent phases (fermentation, decanting and tasting of wine at different times) can offer educational experiences. All always supported by the concept of conscious drinking, which promotes wine as a product to be tasted with moderation and attention to quality.

Learning while having fun and tasting 360°

Two months dedicated to good food and good wine, with the most popular initiatives of every MTV event: from the producers’ stories about the grape harvest and local traditions, to walks in the vineyard, guided tours of the cellar, educational grape harvest workshops and painting workshops using the natural components of the grape, from the leaves to the berries. And also music, folk dances, treasure hunts and riddles to learn more about the practices and curiosities related to the grape harvest.

There is no shortage of excitement in becoming “winemakers for a day” by following the instructions dictated by the “tourist grape harvest” regulations.

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The harvest in Alta Langa began with the collection of Pinot Noir gra


The 2024 harvest in Alta Langa began with the first bunches of Pinot Noir and will continue in the next few days with the Chardonnay grapes.

It has started in the earliest and sunniest areas of Strevi (AL), Serralunga d’Alba (CN) and Castel Rocchero (AT), in the next few days the harvest will get into full swing going up towards the vineyards at increasingly higher altitudes, such as Roddino (CN) and Bossolasco (CN), where veraison is not yet complete. Except for some slight reduction in yield due to unstable weather conditions at the time of flowering, what is expected is a quantitatively average harvest with good quality grapes.

The season was characterized by a rise in temperatures at the beginning of spring, followed by a rather rainy and cool period: precipitation was about double the average, making the 2024 agricultural year the rainiest in the last 67 years. In the vineyards of the provinces of Asti, Cuneo and Alessandria, the experience and timely intervention of the winemakers were therefore even more fundamental to avoid the appearance of plant diseases.

With the arrival of summer, conditions re-stabilized, allowing for regular ripening of the grapes: this placed the harvest period between the last ten days of August and the beginning of September.

We are confident that the year that has begun can be an excellent one, thanks to the constant commitment of our winemakers – says vice president Giovanni Carlo Bussithe grapes are beautiful and healthy. In fact, in a context in which the climatic conditions are less predictable, the role of the winemaker is increasingly crucial. Also for this reason, in recent months the Alta Langa Consortium has started a series of events dedicated to its members, in order to spread knowledge of the best agronomic techniques in the vineyard and consolidate the high quality levels of the grapes destined to become Alta Langa DOCG ”.


The Alta Langa Consortium was founded in 2001, after many years of in-depth, methodical and documented research and studies on the area’s vocation. It brings together passionate and far-sighted winemakers and producers who, driven by great Piedmontese pride, founded and grew this young denomination but with deep roots that sink into history and the territory. The great challenge that unites everyone is to produce a necessarily important wine, which will not be ready for six years after the vineyards are planted.

To date, the Consortium has more than 80 sparkling wine producers and 90 associated winemakers. Since 2022, the president of the Consortium has been Mariacristina Castelletta , and the vice-president is Giovanni Carlo Bussi .


Alta Langa DOCG has the honour of representing the first classic method in Italy, born in Piedmont in the mid-1800s .

The denomination has a production of 3,200,000 bottles from the 2023 harvest. Alta Langa Docg is made with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes, pure or together in variable percentages; it can be white or rosé, brut or pas dosé and has very long aging times on the yeasts, as required by the strict regulations: at least 30 months. A distinctive feature of Alta Langa is that it is an exclusively vintage sparkling wine, that is, the fruit of a single harvest: each bottle always shows the year of the grape harvest on the label, inextricably linked to the particular characteristics of that specific harvest. It is produced in a hilly area (over 250 meters above sea level) that embraces the provinces of Asti, Cuneo and Alessandria: a land that looks at the snow-capped peaks of the Alps and breathes the sea and that collects the legacy preserved by the ancestors, kept intact for a long time without undergoing radical transformations, as instead happened in the lower hills. The Alta Langa is a precious territory, to be supported, in which biodiversity is safeguarded. A literary land, an extraordinary land of resistance – of wars and cultures -, which has faced changes and supported them without losing its baggage of memories and its strong identity.

Alta Langa obtained the DOC in 2002 and the DOCG in 2011 (retroactive to the 2008 vintage).


  • Over 80 sparkling wine producers associated with the Consortium
  • 455 hectares of vineyards between the provinces of Alessandria (46), Asti (185) and Cuneo (224)
  • The Alta Langa vineyard is cultivated for 2/3 Pinot Noir and 1/3 Chardonnay
  • 3,200,000 bottles produced from the 2023 harvest
  • Domestic market: 90%
  • Export: 10%
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