DiVino Etrusco, for the 18th edition 46 wineries with 90 wines for tast

A taste itinerary with wine as the protagonist to tell the common cultural past of Tarquinia and the cities of the Etruscan dodecapolis.

DiVino Etrusco reveals the 46 wineries of the 18th edition, for 90 wines to sip accompanied by the sommeliers of Fisar Viterbo. From 22 to 25 and from 29 to 31 August, the event will give wine enthusiasts the opportunity not only to discover and appreciate true excellence but to have a well-rounded experience of good drinking, and the public to experience evenings dedicated to conviviality and fun, with shows, concerts, exhibitions, literary meetings, cultural, food and wine and entertainment initiatives.

The Tarquinia wineries are Azienda Agricola Anna Elisei, Azienda Agricola Massimo Tosoni, Casale Poggio Nebbia, Etruscaia, Muscari Tomajoli, Podere Giulio, Tenuta Sant’Isidoro, Terre Giorgini, Valle del Marta and Vinaio 98.3. From Bolsena, from the territories of the largest volcanic lake in Europe, come Terre di Semia and Villa Puri; from Vulci come Azienda Agricola Lotti, Cantina Simoncini and La Trusca; for Cerveteri there are Azienda Agricola Lopes, Belardi, Castello di Ceri, Onorati, Tenuta Tre Cancelli and Valle del Canneto; from ancient Veio, Terre del Veio

We leave Lazio to enter Tuscany: from Chiusi come Colle Santa Mustiola, Il Roglio and Nenci; Cortona is represented by Baracchi, Fabrizio Dionisio, Fattoria Cantagallo, Tenute Montecchiesi Dal Cero; for Arezzo there are Buccia Nera, Fattoria di Gratena and Tarazona Miriam; for Piombino there are Podere Nannini, S. Agnese and Torre di Baratti; then Volterra with Agriturismo Il Mulinaccio, MonteRosola and Podere Marcampo. For the “green heart of Italy”, Umbria, there are Perugia with Goretti, and Orvieto, with Arcadia, Argillae, Cantine Neri, Custodi, Decugnano dei Barbi, Palazzone and Tenuta Le Vellette.

For the first time, tickets, in addition to being purchased directly at the box office on the evenings of the event, can be purchased in advance at the link https://eventi.archeoares.it/evento/divino-etrusco/, and then collected with the bag and the glass at the InfoPoint of Barriera San Giusto. For all updates, you can follow the Facebook page “Tarquinia DiVino Etrusco”. DiVino Etrusco is organized by the Municipality of Tarquinia, in collaboration with the Pro loco Tarquinia and MiC – Archaeological Park of Cerveteri and Tarquinia, and with the support of the Lazio Region and Arsial. It has the patronage of the Province of Viterbo, the Chamber of Commerce Rieti Viterbo and the Municipalities of the Etruscan dodecapolis. The festival is organized under the direction of the Enogastronomo with the Cappello Carlo Zucchetti

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The event for the development and promotion of the cultural and food and wine system was presented.

“Vini dai Laghi – Il vino incontra il bello” (Wines from the Lakes – Wine meets beauty) is coming to Villa Recalcati in October, an event born from the synergy between the Province, the Varese Winegrowers Association and SlowFood Varese APS and in collaboration with the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Varese, the Varese Chamber of Commerce and Confcommercio.

From 10 to 13 October, in the halls and in the courtyard of honour of Villa Recalcati, there will be

conventions, conferences, workshops for children and families, musical concerts and artistic installations, respectively by the students of the Manzoni Music High School and the Frattini Art High School, with the aim of presenting and promoting the territory and the production of the wineries participating in the project.

Alongside these activities, there will be tastings of wines and spirits paired with typical Varese products that will give life to a unique cultural and food and wine experience.

The event will kick off on Thursday 10 October with a conversation with Sergio Redaelli, author of the book “Quando a Varese c’era il vino” (When there was wine in Varese), conducted by journalist Alessandra Favaro of VareseFocus, followed by a tasting of Terre di Varese with wines and products from Varese, organised by ONAV and in collaboration with CFP.

The Giorgia Carabelli conference “Wine and health, the importance of wine in the daily diet” is scheduled for Friday 11 October, as well as the tasting dish created by CFP and curated by Ivano Antonini of AIS Varese who will present, together with the journalist Marco Gatti, the characteristics of the different wines, the main pairings and the glasses for the different types of wine.

Following this, a two-day event full of events in the fields of culture, wine and desserts.

The official inauguration of the event and the institutional greetings are scheduled for Saturday 12 October, as well as the workshop on the Earth Market, the conference “Rare and endangered grape varieties” held by Anna Schneider and the conference by Mario Iodice “In vino veritas – An eulogy of wine: names, myths, proverbs from antiquity to today”.

The final day, Sunday 13 October, will begin with the opening of the Earth Market with SlowFood Presidia and will be dedicated to discovering the peculiarities of the territory with the conference “The history of Villa Recalcati” by Serena Contini, the presentation of the territory and the participating wineries and the conference “Lands of the lakes and their climates”.

During the four days described above, it will also be possible to visit the scenographic installation of the Artistic Director Ivo Tomasi with the typical equipment of the harvest. In addition, it will be possible to participate in the Enological competition with final awards on Sunday 13 October.

I am happy to open Villa Recalcati to this initiative, the courtyard of honor, the halls and the historic park – comments Marco Magrini, president of the Province of Varese – We want to promote the excellence of our local productions, in particular quality wines, especially those of young producers. Our goal is to enhance these wines by combining them with local products, accompanying them with numerous cultural events. We will do all this in an elegant and private place like Villa Recalcati, which will not only host the event, but can also be discovered and visited “.

Councilor Marina Rovelli adds: «An opportunity to promote our territory through its products, its excellences and its peculiarities. A way to recover a vocation of local wine production and enhance the typical products also fruit of the culture of biodiversity. An opportunity to suggest our Lakes as a new destination for food and wine tourism, welcoming visitors in the numerous places of historical and artistic interest. Typical products, as is known, influence and drive the development of the territories especially if promoted through processes of economic and productive sustainability. I hope that this can be the first of many editions».

“The Earth Markets are an international Slow Food project present in several countries. In addition to hosting various food producers, workshops are organized to educate consumers to buy good, clean and fair products. The Piambello Market has existed since October 2017 and takes place twice a month in the municipalities of Induno Olona and Bisuschio with a good turnout – explains Fabio Ponti of Slow Food Varese Aps – For the “Vini dai Laghi” exhibition organized at Villa Recalcati, we will try to expand the participation of producers linked to Slow Food and in particular to the Presidia, another important international project”.

The Artistic Director, Ivo Tomasi, highlights that: « “Vini dai Laghi” will not only be a food and wine event, but a real celebration for families, with interesting activities for adults and children, in the splendid and elegant headquarters of the Province of Varese. In the large atrium of Villa Recalcati there will be a suggestive “Piazza della vendemmia” that will become the beating heart of the event, in collaboration with the members of the Associazione Viticoltori Varesini who will provide their equipment such as carts, barrels, demijohns and typical tools for harvesting grapes. It will be possible to find a riot of music, art and culture praising wine and courtly love with the technical and artistic support of the schools of the area and of several illustrious speakers ».

Free admission. A few days before the event, vouchers for tastings can be purchased on the website www.vinidailaghi.it , where you can also download the detailed program of the event.


Cocco…Wine 2024 – Cocconato d’Asti Friday 30, Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September, The cellars and guided tastings

The cellars protagonists of the tasting The guided tastings, between Barbera and Nebbiolo.

The new edition of Cocco Wine, one of the most delicious and popular food and wine events in Piedmont, will take place between the end of August and the beginning of September. The Go Wine association promotes and organizes the event with the Consorzio Cocconato Riviera del Monferrato and in agreement with the Municipality of Cocconato. Cocconato will be transformed into a virtual wine road, where tastings of wines will alternate with typical products of the area, which will fill the historic center of the town and host the wineries of Cocconato and Monferrato.

The cellars of Cocconato

Cocconato will transform into a virtual wine route, a path that will wind from Piazza Cavour along Via Roma to the Cortile del Collegio, alternating wine tastings with typical local products.

A completely pedestrianized historic center, animated for the event: it will host the cellars of Cocconato, other parts of Piedmont and some artisans of taste with their tasting proposals.

In particular, the Cocconato cellars will welcome all participants, each managing an exhibition space and telling the story of the vineyards and wines of this corner of Piedmont. Barbera d’Asti is the most

important and best known in the area; the production extends however to other red wines from native vines, to appreciated selections of white wines that find ideal conditions to express themselves on the soils of Cocconato.





Balliano, Grana (At)

Social Cellar of Castagnole Monferrato (At)

Farmhouse of the Well, Castellinaldo (Cn)

Gilli Farmhouse, Castelnuovo Don Bosco (AT)

Paladin Farmhouse, Canale (Cn)

San Bernardo Farmhouse, Villadeati (Al)

Crota Cichin, Santo Stefano Roero (Cn)

Eusebius of Stroppiana Marilena, Salussola (Bi)

Nazzari, Ponzano Monferrato (Al)

Mauro Rei, Monferrato Hall (Al)

Terre d’Eburias, Costigliole d’Asti (At)

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“Despite the extreme climate, the interventions in the vineyard have had an effect. We have used processing techniques that can only be done manually and that allow us to guarantee exceptional quality even if at high costs.”

This is stated by Sandro Bottega, wine entrepreneur and head of the historic company Bottega SpA of Bibano (TV), one of the leaders in Italy for the production of Prosecco .

“In the Prosecco area, after persistent rains and lower than average temperatures in the months of May and June, the month of July was characterized by very high temperatures. At the moment – continues Sandro Bottega – the grapes are ripening well, even if the persistence of very hot temperatures could result in a slowdown in the ripening process. The harvest is expected to take place around September 10. It should be emphasized that in June we still enjoyed a strong temperature range between daytime and nighttime hours for a few days, which facilitated the development of aromatic substances. It follows that, also thanks to the high temperatures in July and our interventions in the vineyard, we should be looking at a vintage of exceptional quality”. “In the coming weeks, the only risk factor, now structural in every wine-growing area, is linked to storms or in any case to extreme weather conditions that in the Prosecco area as in other areas could cause a reduction in production. In our vineyards – adds Bottega – for years now we have reintroduced the classic “green manure” technique. It is a capillary grassing of different species, which contributes greatly to absorbing any excess water and developing biodiversity. The vine, to be able to give the best of itself, needs harmony and balance, in this case therefore it is necessary to intervene and prevent, preferably with natural methods, such as “green manure”». «The excessive heat of these last weeks, as far as we are concerned, has been partly tempered by the more developed foliage that has partially protected the bunches from direct sunlight developed by our agronomists with an ad hoc study to intervene on the plants and increase their leafy growth. We expect a high-level vintage not only in terms of quality, but also in terms of quantity. It would be very important for the entire Prosecco world to have a new vintage with adequate quantities both because the sparkling wine market requires it, and because 2023 was particularly poor», concludes Sandro Bottega.

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