Walk around Tasting with Consorzio Tutela Vino Custoza DOC – Tuesday 15 October, Milan

Tuesday 15 October the walk around tasting at the Hotel Rosa Grand in Milan.

The world of wine is in turmoil and Custoza DOC is ready to amaze once again. The Consortium of white wine from the hills between Verona and Lake Garda, with its contemporary blend with a strong territorial connotation, is preparing for a day of in-depth study in the exclusive spaces of the Rosa Grand Milano (Piazza Fontana, 3), Monday 15 October starting at 18:00 .

During a walk around tasting, members of sommelier associations, restaurateurs, wine merchants and enthusiasts will be able to taste a vast selection of labels: a unique opportunity to get to know Custoza DOC in all its nuances. Fresh and mineral in the vintage versions, Custoza DOCs are able to express great complexity and elegance in the Superiore version, demonstrating significant evolutionary potential .

<< Modern and contemporary, Custoza conveys the characteristics of a unique territory in the glass>> says Roberta Bricolo, President of the Consortium. <>


Tuesday 15 October, 18:00 / 20:30

Hotel Rosa Grand Milano – Piazza Fontana, 3 (MI)

Admission is free until all seats are taken. For reservations: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LCjBWq8hMB00pyAtZz0O-4tsDDdh3WdJRzIWKKvAnsc/edit