WINE LOVERS new INDIANA JONES here is the Etruscan treasure hunt for CALICI DI STELLE 2024

n search of the two tombs among the vineyards of the Vino Nobile estate in Montepulciano.

The festive August event of the Wine Tourism Movement this year with the theme TREASURE HUNT UNDER THE STARS attracts not only lovers of good drinking but also archeo lovers

Here is the surprising treasure of Carpineto, to be discovered in the glass, in the cellar, in the vineyard and by exploring the magnificent Vino Nobile di Montepulciano estate where there are even two Etruscan tombs still unexcavated but whose area has been identified.

Guests will be welcomed into the Montepulciano Estate, a natural oasis of 184 hectares, where they will be introduced not only to the history of this prestigious winemaking reality but also to the cellar, the barrel cellar and the vineyards where expert Etruscologists have long since identified the sites of two Etruscan tombs.

And right here, outdoors, among the vineyards, the “virtual” treasure hunt begins led by an archeology and geology expert in search of the two Etruscan tombs that exist on the property of the iconic winery of great reds.

At the end of the walk the story begins about the Etruscans in the area, and in particular about their great culture of wine and agriculture.

They will be the experts of the archaeological group of the most important Etruscan museum in the area who will reveal secrets and techniques of cultivation and production of wine in ancient times.

“The search for the treasures of the past was seen, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as a real treasure hunt. Today official archaeological research makes use of cutting-edge technological instruments, such as common ground penetrating radar, magnetometers and photos at various wavelengths with drones, up to the sophisticated LiDAR system. All this has simplified the work of the archaeologists, but it has certainly removed the surprise and with it the emotion of the discovery that will be relived by those who participate in Calici di Stelle da Carpineto on the evening of August 2nd”, explains Paolo Dell’Agnello , Head of the Group Archaeological Museum of the Etruscan Museum of Chianciano Terme which will guide the experience as a new Indiana Jones .

All this will be accompanied by a convivial moment with an aperitif in which it will be possible to taste typical products of the area and some wines from Carpineto production ranging from reds and whites, including bubbles.

And if it will not be a real Etruscan Symposium with songs, dances and poems, it will however be a joyful rural banquet washed down with excellent wines.